Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Return to strength update...

26 January 2019
65 minutes, 130-180 bpm

Circuit "A" (push)
seated shoulder press - 120# x 14, 130# x 9, 120# x 9
db bench press - 55# x 13, 60# x 8, 55# x 9
Smith SQ - 145# x 12, 165# x 10, 155# x 11
Circuit "B" (pull)
cable pulldown - 130# x 14, 150# x 11, 150# x 11
spider curl - 60# x 13, 60# x 12, 60# x 13 
Smith SQ - 165# x 9, 155# x 9, 155# x 9

5 February 2019 
50 minutes, 130-190 bpm

Circuit "A"
Smith neck press - 95# x 20, 135# x 16, 135# x 15
seated row - 160# x 15, 160# x 14, 160# x 14
db lunges - 35# x 10/10, 40# x 9/9, 45# x 8/8
Circuit "B"
"wall" cable curls - 50# x 19, 60# x 18, 80# x 15
db pullover - 55# x 15, 60# x 15, 65# x 14
incline treadmill jog - (incline setting 10 @ 4.5 mph) 90 sec of 120 sec

[I banged my knees on stuff at work last week, so I knew I couldn't go HAM on squatting. Plus, tbh, I'm getting older, so maybe I don't need to be going HAM on anything--which is not to say that I shouldn't train hard. It just means I need to respect my biological progression over time, and adjust my training to maximize my strength gains while minimizing my recovery time.

[So, I am pleased with my prudential pivot to do lunges instead of mere leg extensions, as well as my on-the-fly decision to do treadmill drills instead of mere deadlifts. I simply must strengthen my legs to sustain moving me through space as needed, and keep my creeping gut at bay. Plus, an inclined jog serves well enough as hamstring training. So, look for more of this kind of "cross-training."]

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