Thursday, September 25, 2014

Workout updates... Miscellaneous...

9/20 Saturday: 
heavy bag & double-end bag - 3 min., 1 min. rest each x 4

9/21 Sunday: 
one-arm KB swing: 55 lbs. 30/30
"Perfect" ab wheel: 4/2/2/4
shadow boxing: 1 min.
1 min. rest
x 4

9/22 Monday: 
mid-air rows: 12, 12
mid-air pushups: 12, 12
eagle loop pullups: 12, 10
ring dips: 10, 8

9/23 Tuesday: 
warm-up: ghetto gripper, space mace, stretching
CoC #2 - 8/8 L/R closes (individual sets) [Interestingly, my left hand actually felt stronger this time. I didn't start to struggle until the fifth set or so.]
one-arm KB swing - 55 lbs 30/30 x 3
wrist roll - 8 lbs. x 6
ab wheel - 4/2/2 x 4 [4 frontal rolls, then 2 oblique rolls for each side]

9/24 Wednesday: 
mid-air rows: 12, 12, 12, 12
mid-air pushups: 12, 12, 12, 12
eagle loop pullups + L-sit: 7, 7, 5, 4
ring dips + L-sit: 7, 6, 6.5, 4/1

9/25 Thursday: 
double-end bag - 2 min.
1 min. rest
heavy bag - 2 min.
1 min. rest
jump rope - 2 min.
1+ min. rest
21 lb. medicine ball throw-catch off trampoline 25/25 L/R
21 lb. medicine ball throw-catch off trampoline 25 both hands
25/25 L/R tornado ball rotations
25/25 L/R overhead tornado ball swings
x 4

+ + + 

Praise God, it's getting cooler. I love winter. Granted, "winter" in Florida does not count in some people's eyes, but at least "the great sweating" is nearly over.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Running... Grip training... Boxing...

And in the words of Gene Wilder, "FAT! FAT! FAT! FAT!"

Sunday, 14 September 2014 

3 min. jog
30 sec. sprint
30 sec. jog
3 min. walk
30 sec. jog
30 sec. spring
3 min. walk
30 sec. jog
30 sec. sprint
3 min. walk
30 sec. jog
30 sec. sprint
3 min. walk
30 sec. jog
30 sec. sprint

[This felt pretty good. I felt achey and shin-splinty on the first set, so I reprogrammed to emphasize walking.] 

Monday, 15 September 2014 

8 lb. wrist roller x 3

CoC #2 - 4 closes L, 1 near close L/5 closes R

wrist roller x 3

34 lb dino db curls - dozens of reps

[Maybe the wrist roller zapped my forearms too much, or maybe I trained too soon after a hard ring workout (Saturday), but this was not a great showing. My biceps have been nicely sore since that night. I don't my biceps all that much, at least not in an isolated, cosmetic way, but I think I'm going to start throwing in some curls like this to round out grip workouts.] 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

3 min. double-end bag
1 min. rest
3 min. heavy bag
1 min. rest
x 3
Then I mowed, trimmed, and swept the yard. Dad exercise. It counts. Meh.

I also decided to record some of my boxing, but golly I always look like such a fat, wobbling ogre when I box. I rarely inflict my body image upon the eyes of the world, but why not? Hence the Gene Wilder quotation again. My boxing name, by the way, I decided would be "The Greek Geek", weighing in at 220 lbs. (I think I could cut down to 205, though. Still heavyweight, so I guess some ogrish bullishness is okay.) 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Boxing... Sledge hammers... Rings...

Tuesday, 8 September 2014 

heavy bag: 2 min. 
1 min. rest
x 6 

Friday, 12 September 2014 

12 lb. sledge hammer drills
sagittal - 10
frontal - 10 
low-lateral - 10 
rest 1 min. 
x 6 

[I lost a good bit of steam on my last set when I detected a blister on my left hand.] 

Saturday, 13 September 2014 

mid-air rows: 12, 12, 12, 12 
mid-air pushups: 12, 12, 12, 12 
eagle loop pullups: 12, 9, 8, 7* 
ring dips: 10, 9, 7/1, 3/1/1/1
L-sit: 13, 14, 15, 16 sec. 

[I took a minute of rest or more between exercises, in order to have power for every exertion. I also cut out the pistol squats this time, because I might do a lower-body workout tomorrow.]  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Boxing... Running...

Saturday, 6 September 2014 

Warm-up: ring motions, med ball thruster throws, jump rope, shadow boxing 
double-end bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
heavy bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
double-end bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
heavy bag: 3 min 
rest 2 min. 
double-end bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
heavy bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
double-end bag: 3 min. 
rest 1 min. 
heavy bag: 3 min 
weighted walking: 15+ min.* 

* I held my 21 lb. medicine ball while walking. Sometimes (with one or tow hands) at my shoulder, over my head, by my throat, etc. 

Sunday, 7 September 2014 

3 min. jog 
30 sec. sprint
6 min. walk 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ring training... Rest... Sledge and tires...

Tuesday, 2 September 2014 

warmup: 3-5 reps of all of the following exercises
mid-air rows: 12, 12, 10, 10
mid-air decline pushups: 12, 12, 10, 10
eagle loop pullups: 9, 7, 6, 6
ring dips: 9, 7, 5, 5
assisted pistol squats: 12/12, 12/12, 10/10, 10/10
L-sit: 13 sec., 13 sec., 13 sec. 15 sec.

+ + +

A very good workout. It was exhausting, but much more gratifying by pyramiding down, rather than up, as I'd done in previous ring workouts.

Friday, 5 September 2014 

warmup: 10 reps of all the following exercises with a 10 lb. sledge
16 lb. sagittal sledge hits: 15, 12, 10
16 lb. frontal sledge hits: 15, 12, 10
16 lb. low lateral sledge hits: 8/7, 8/7; 7/5, 7/5; 5/5, 5/5
box jumps: 12, 12, 12
21 lb. medicine ball thrusters: 12, 12, 20

+ + +

Good workout! I felt a bit groggy before starting it, and never exactly felt "amped" during it, but once I got warmed and got into a rhythm, I felt more energized. This workout not only technically had more reps (by 1) than last time, but was also more intense, since I rested only about 30 seconds between every exercise and set.