Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bodyweight exercises…

WEDNESDAY 2/16: 60 mins

Warmup: calisthenics, jump rope, stretching, Indian clubs

Hindu squats: 55, 58, 61
Hindu pushups: 20, 23, 26
Lassoes: 60, 60, 60 @ cable + 2kg
One-arm chain hauls: 10, 10, 10
Rope rows: 14, 12, 10/4
[I used 1" PVC halves in loops on 2nd set, 2" halves on 3rd set; last 4 reps of 3rd set were without any halves.]
Bridge planking: 60 secs x 3
Calf raises (multi-angles, on chain grid): 60, 60, 60
Dips: 22, 22, 22
Chinups: 16, 16, 15
[with power straps and some kipping on various reps]

+ + +

I don't know why tonight's workout took so long. Partially it's because, as I get stronger, I do more reps, which takes more time. Another reason might be that I was still a little fatigued from two previous nights of inadequate sleep. (I got some morning sub hours this week, which caught my night-owlish self off-guard.) Plus, I had a terrible case of gastritis yesterday, truly crippling at one point. It was due to eating some "sticky year cake" last weekend at the behest of my always generous landlord. (Glutinous rice and my stomach DO NOT MIX!) Anyway, I fought through and finished the workout.

I like the fact that I walk to and from the park for these workouts. It's a mild warmup, yes, but, more importantly, it's a small respite from activity and pressured thought. I love walking. Walking has carried me through many long, dark night in the past. So walking is a nice way to begin and end my workouts. I must admit, even though I have slated myself to get back in the gym, next week for my A-regimen, it's very hard to let go of the BDW fun I've been having the past few weeks. As I mentioned before, I intend to alternate my A-regimen with BDW work every other week, so I will have the best of both worlds, I guess.

Recently, I've come up with the idea of a three-week cycle: A-regimen (or some variant thereof) 4x/wk, BDW 4x/wk, HEAVIES* 3x/wk. There's plenty written about how BDW training will boost conventional weight training, and I think I've covered before why "the Big Three" (the top three among what I'm here calling the HEAVIES) are adequate of themselves for progressive gains.

* HEAVIES: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Barbell Curl, Pullups, Military Press

Also, I intend to use thick pipe insulation tubing and/or towels as ghetto Fat Gripz on my A-days (until I choose to invest in actual Fat Gripz).

Anyway, tonight I also realized I should distribute some of my BDW exercises over more days, rather than doubling them up on the same day, mainly just to reduce the time of each workout. Notice that today, as in previous workouts, I did both Hindu pushups and dips, both lassoes and planking, both back rows and chinups, etc. These exercises are not exactly duplicates but they do train much the same muscle areas. So I thought about it like this:

M warmup, Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, lassoes, calf raises, chain hauls, rope rows
T warmup, Hindu squats, dips, planking, chain hauls, calf raises, chinups
W Grip training
Th warmup, pistol squats, pushups, KB twists, bungee curls, cable tricep extensions, leaning shrugs
F Grip training
Sa warmup, Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, lassoes, calf raises, pullups
S off

A-regimen (M, T, Th, F):
See previous posts

HEAVIES (pyramid sets, MWF):
Squat 4X5
Bench press 4X5
Deadlift 4X5
Military press 4X5
Barbell curl OR Shrugs 4X5

Tomorrow I train grip and next week I'm back in the gym.

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