Thursday, July 24, 2014

21 Day Kettlebell Blast

I've been away for a while, but I'm back. Long story made short, after hitting new PR's on all my major lifts back in May, I hit some road bumps in June and July, and decided to get back on track with a book I'd bought a while ago.

I may follow it up with a more intense kettlebell program, but for now I'm juggling how to program bike riding, boxing, grip training, suspension training, plyometric HIIT (tire, sledge, med ball, jumps, mace, etc.) training, and weightlifting. Bleh.

In any case, here's my reboot progress so far:

Day 1 
warm-up: 20 lunges, 12 sling pushups, 18 lunges, 10 sling pushups, 16 lunges, 8 sling pushups

35+15# KB swing: left hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
35+15# KB swing: right hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
X 5

wrap-up: jump rope, high knees, etc. 3 min.

Day 2
warm-up: 20 lunges, 12 sling pushups, 18 lunges, 10 sling pushups, 16 lunges, 8 sling pushups

35+15# KB swing: left hand 30 sec., rest 10 sec.
35+15# KB swing: right hand 30 sec., rest 10 sec.
X 4

wrap-up: walking, 15 min.

Day 3
warm-up: 20 lunges, 12 sling pushups, 18 lunges, 11 sling pushups, 16 lunges, 10 sling pushups

35+15# KB swing: left hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
35+15# KB swing: right hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
X 3

wrap-up: jump rope, high knees, etc. 3 min. 

Day 4
warm-up: 20 lunges, 12 sling pushups, 18 lunges, 10 sling pushups, 16 lunges, 8 sling pushups

35+15# KB swing: left hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
35+15# KB swing: right hand 30 sec., rest 30 sec.
X 8

wrap-up: jump rope, high knees, etc. 3 min. 

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