Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gym regimen - July 2012

Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Quick Mass workout
45–47 min., 104kg

This weekend I decided to rearrange the order of the Quick Mass workout. I wanted to be able give all I can to "the big lifts" (squat, bench press, row, bb curl, etc.). I read a lot of stuff by Rich Bryda this weekend, and had a lot of my ideas about strength training challenged. I highly recommend Bryda's materials. He gets right to the point and guarantees results without hype. While Bryda's persepctive (basically, "focus on the total number of reps in a given time period, especially as performed over several sets") took some of the wind out of the sails for me with this Quick Mass workout, I'm going to stick to it, since I know it's a short term tactic, and I know why I'm doing it. 

Oh, and you'll notice my bodyweight is up to 104kg, maybe more by now. So I've accomplished one goal before returning to the USA.

I had a really draining weekend, and was out too late last night due to my birthday revelry, so I was not feeling 100% at all tonight. In any event, here's what I did….

Warmup: stretching, motions, imaging, etc.

SQ: 10 @ 120

Leg extension: 10 @ 95

bb curl: 10* @ 50
[Lots of body English on these –– but NO WONDER, since I did 50kg, falsely thinking I'd done the same weight last Thursday, though I'd really only done 42.5kg! D'oh! To make up for the eccentric body cheating, I did good concentric negatives on the last few reps.]

BP: 10* @ 90
[I'd originally wanted to do BP before curls, but "Sonic the Chesthog" was on the bench for a long time, and I just didn't feel like cutting in. These felt pretty good, and the spot on the final rep made it a nice "high intensity" set.]

Leg curl: 10 @ 56 (?)

Standing calf raise:  15 @ 105 (?)

Press: 10* @ 55
[I felt stronger on these last week, but, of course, I had done them before my bench and other exercises, as the original Quick Mass order had it.]

PU: 10*** @ bdw + 7.5
[I was getting pooped. Three decent negatives at the end.]

Seated tricep press: 12 @ 35
[Too light!]

Neutral grip semi-supine PU: 12 / 3 @ bdw
[I improvised these, since I didn't want to deal with an annoyingly easy seated cable row. I grabbed the neutral handles, rested my toes on the window ledge in front of the pullup tower, and rowed up semi-prone. Then I did three reps of neutral grip pullups. Fried.]

db pullover: 12 @ 25
[Really felt these. Even so, I should use the EZ bar next time for a heavier weight.]

Bench dip: 20

Ab wheel: 20
[Forehead to the floor.]

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