Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fitness update - March 2013

Made my slosh bars. I cut the 10' by 3" PVC into a 7' piece and a 3' piece. The smaller one is actually a little harder to control than the big one, at least in so far as it's for one hand exercises. The 7' bar is much lighter than I'd expected, which is disappointing. I may fill it to about 80%, instead of 65%, before sealing it shut. The threads on the plug do leak, so rather than deal with that frustration, I'll just seal it with caulking and be done with it.

I also made a tire drag sled, like I learned from this video, but, as Taz Shirota notes in this video, dragging doesn't work well on asphalt. I found that the front end keeps bobbing up, which makes running jerky and distracting (will the weights fall off, etc?), though walking is fine. It worked well on grass, but my yard is small, so I guess I'll need to walk it over to the park and do the running there. [Stay tuned for an update with a solution I found for this!] On the other hand, I found that bear crawls caused no bobbing. I think the problem is that the vector while running (from ground to waist) includes upward as well as forward drag. Hence, I found a very long cord between me and the tire caused less bobbing, but such a long cord is annoying.

Happily, though, walking neck drags worked well with the tire sled. Since it's adjustable I used the same belt for neck drags as I did for tire drags (and the same one Taz showed in his video––great minds think alike!), but will need to wrap the buckle in something soft, otherwise it grinds into my upper vertebrae. Also, some of the velcro scrapes my forehead unless I wear a bandana or sweat band.

Another gadget I made was inspired by a video I saw last week. It involved a rod with a long bungee attached to a wall, so I bought a shovel handle, secured an eye hook to the top, and latched it to some bungee cords on my back yard clothes line stand. It works the core well.

My workout...

30 min. 213 lbs.

10 min. of various tire drags
3 min. of neck drags
10's of various rod-bungee movements x 10
10/10/10 neck tugs x 3 @ //////
2 sling pistol SQ, 1 PU, 1 pushup, 1 dip, 1 curl up, repeat without rest x 10

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