Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fitness notes...

Wednesday, 2011.9.15
94 kg, 40 min.

Bokken drills (chop-step):
Vertical: 20, 20, 20
Diagonal: 20, 20, 20
Horizontal: 20, 20, 20

Mace drills:
Overhead swing: 10, 12 @ 10kg
Shovel: 10, 12 @ 10kg
Chop: 10, 12 @ 10kg

Ab wheel: 16, 18, 20

Neck harness: 30, 40, 50

Thursday, 2011.9.15
94.5kg, 20 min.

Pullups/chinups: 7/7
[Weak sauce, I know. I was just testing a new, tentative setup I tried in a nearby stairwell. I love our new apartment, but it DRIVES ME CRAZY that there are no obviously good spots for doing pullups! It's been a habit, nay, compulsion, of mine since high school to recon any place I stay for handy pullup spots. Alas, in our new place, I'm having to be very creative and dogged in making such spots a reality.]

Mace drills:
Curls: 10, 15 @ 8kg
Press: 10, 15 @ 8kg
Hike: 10, 15 @ 8kg
[Bend over with the mace between your legs, and stand upright to bring the mace into a pause at the uppermost chopping position. good for hamstrings, lower back, core, shoulders, and triceps.]

Friday, 2011.9.16
95kg, 30 min.

Barrel drills:
Press/squat: 10, 15 @ 14kg
[Press the barrel overhead, then squat and rise to lower the barrel to the chest, and repeat.]
Curl/tricep: 10, 15 @ 14kg
[Grab the circular edges of the barrel, horizontal, in a curl position. Curl up and raise into a tricep extension. Repeat.]
Hoist press: 10, 15 @ 14kg
[Grab the edges of the barrel, horizontal, as with the curl motion, but then twist and hoist it overhead, as if quickly loading baggage into an overhead compartment.]

Mace drills:
Shovel: 10, 15 @ 10kg
Chop: 10, 15 @ 10kg

Shrug: 15/15, 15/15 @ 50kg+
[Some at the waist, some overhead.]

Bent row: 12, 15 @ 50kg+
[Should try Yates rows next time.]

Barrel pushup: 15, 20

Tuesday, 2011.9.20
95kg, 30 min.

Ab wheel: 16, 20

Flail: ~30 sec. per hand per direction

Hindu squat: 50, 50

Hindu pushup: 25, 25

Mace chop: 20, 20 @ 10kg

+ + +

Saturday and Sunday my wife and I were at a "pre-Cana" seminar, so, between that and my classes and every durned thing else, I had no time for "a serious workout." None the less, after each meal, my wife and went for a walk and I used my wing chun band as we walked.

As for "the barrel", last week I picked up a huge cylinder of black plastic. It's .57 meters tall and .31 meters in diameter, and weighs 14 kg. It's just fun. Very "strong man" feel to it (overhead presses, swings, bear hugs, etc.).

I just saw something in passing about how "anything over 12 reps is considered a 'maintenance' workout." I'd have to concur. I'm doing what I'm doing these days just to stay fit, feel good, and maintain a psychological and physiological basis for when I get back in the gym.

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