Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fitness notes... August 2012

This Saturday (11 August) morning I spent about an hour on trimming hedges and yard clean-up. Then in the afternoon I did the following: 


Warmup & stretching : 5-10 min.

Jump rope : 100 skips x 3

T-bell swings : 25 @ 33 lbs. x 3

Medicine ball slams : 20 @ 12 lbs. x 3


Running :
200 yard warm-up
100 yard sprint + jog back x 4

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I took it easy on Sunday.

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Yesterday I did Lisle's beginner Navy SEAL regimen. 

Warmup : jumping jacks, T-bell swings, medicine ball slams

Stretching : 10 minutes

Upper body : 11'30"

Lower body : 11'10"

Running : 1 mile in 8'20"

My total time went from 56 minutes (August 10) to 47 minutes and my mile-time went from 8'50" to 8'20". Knowing the exercises better made the drills go faster and I felt much less "dead" for the run compared to last time. Unfortunately, though, halfway through the mile I seemed to be pretty dehydrated: my arms weren't sweating! Plus, at the end of the run, my lower legs were killing me. Shin splints. Need to ice them and take things slowly.


  1. A great way to get lean is to increase your body’s muscle mass. The more mass on your body, the easier it is to burn calories and create a calorie deficit, which forces your body to use the fat it has previously stored.

  2. Simply put start by eating more and training heavier so you can gain muscle weight. You could be hard gainer, an athlete looking to get into a new weight class, or simply desire a larger physique.
