Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gym regimen - November 2010

A2: Chest and Calves (TUESDAY): 50+ mins
94kg, BMI 27

Warmup: Exercise bike, calisthenics, stretching, jump rope


Bench press: 10, 8*, 8* @ 72.5kg, 80kg, 87.5kg
[Spotter on 2nd and 3rd set, but he really only did anything the last couple reps of the 3rd set. I guess my chest is getting stronger.]

Seated calf raises: 36, 36, 36 @ 50kg, 55kg, 60kg


Incline bench press: 9, 7, 6* @ 60kg, 70kg, 75kg
[Spotter on the 3rd set; he probably helped half the reps. Next week I'm going to move this incline bench to my tricep, shoulder, trap day (Friday).]

Jump rope: 100-150 skips


Dumbbell flye: 10, 8, 6 @ 18kg, 22kg, 26kg

Jump rope: 100-150 skips

Pullover: 15, 12, 9 @ 18kg, 22kg, 26kg

+ + +

I'm pleased to say that "the deadlift stalker" whom I discussed in the previous post is now being so open about his goal to go heavy (i.e. surpass me) that it's actually less awkward. Lots of, "Yeah, man, that's good, that's the goal," from me. He is apparently single and raises something like seven dogs and five cats in a house in northern Taichung, so I guess he needs as much human validation as he can get when he's on the clock. interestingly, he conceded that the grip is the hardest part about the deadlift, which I have acknowledged here before. This is interesting because grip strength is a thing of time and patience. He doesn't use chalk or power straps so he's either going to keep risking a bicep injury (with an alternate grip) or he"s simply going to hit a ceiling that I will have to surpass in my own plodding way.

I'm at a crossroads of sorts with my chest training. I conceded to a new friend at the gym today that "I don't know how to train my chest." I want to go heavy to stimulate growth, but I also acknowledge my chest as my Achilles' heel. Yet, the gains I've made the past few weeks has me of a mind to shift into a heavier weight regimen on the bench. Perhaps 8, 6, 4 at, say, 75kg, 85kg, and 90kg next week, with a spotter.

Stay tuned.

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