Saturday, January 25, 2014

Boy, is there egg on my face!

And I don't mean the crate of eggs I eat every few days.

In my notes for yesterday's workout, I mentioned that one set of 30 squats felt too easy, and I would have liked to have gone for another set of 30. Well, it turns out that I was supposed to have done two sets! I was rushed for time getting to gym, so I was careless about writing down the workout tasks.

I discovered my error just as I was settling into to bed last night, looking at Mass Made Simple in order to visualize the upcoming Day 3 workout. It really irritated me, so much so that I had to convince myself not to do a set of 30 today, a rest day. I console myself with the fact that I squatted with 10 more pounds than Dan John advises for the first two workouts. "It's something." One thing that made the whole workout even cooler, though, is that I had inadvertently worn my brown scapular during the workout! OORAH-LLELUJAH!

In any event, my creatine and ZMA arrived this morning, so I had my first teaspoon of creatine in a long time with brunch (yes, part of bulking means sleeping more than usual). I'm excited about trying ZMA for the first time ever tonight, if no other reason than I hear it promotes dream activity. I'm a notoriously "non-dreaming sleeper" (or, as I like to say, "I live my dreams"), so any boost in that mystery of mysteries should be exciting, even aside from the gains it's said to offer.

Also on the nutrition front, I've begun tweeting my protein intake as it happens (RIVETING STUFF!! WHAT ELSE IS TWITTER FOR!!?). I'm at about 170g by this afternoon, so I'll be sure to get my 300+ grams in today. My overall supplement schedule is like follows:


20g BCAA/whey protein shake with creatine, plus eggs (20g protein) and bread in the morning
B complex, multivitamin, Co-Q10 pill, two fish oil capsules
30g BCAA/whey protein shake before lunch,
50g protein with lunch, fish oil capsules
40g BCAA/whey protein after work
100g protein with dinner, fish oil capsules
ZMA one hour before bed (three pills) 
20g casein protein right before bed, fish oil capsules


20g BCAA/whey protein shake with creatine, plus eggs (20g protein) and bread in the morning
B complex, multivitamin, Co-Q10 pill, two fish oil capsules
30g BCAA/whey protein shake before lunch
50g protein with lunch, fish oil capsules
30g BCAA/whey protein after work
10g Clif Bar protein before workout
40g protein 30-60 min after workout, fish oil capsules
50g protein with dinner, fish oil capsules
ZMA one hour before bed (three pills) 
20g casein protein right before bed, fish oil capsules

The above only makes for 270g per day, so, until I get my tub of protein and see what size drink I'd need to put down for how many grams, I'm not sure how to get over 300g. It will work out.

Stay tuned.

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