Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gym regimen - December 2010

A2: Chest and Calves
(TUESDAY): 50 mins
95kg, BMI 27.5

Warmup: exercise bike, stretching, cable crossover


Seated lever press: 14, 14, 14, 14 @ 55kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg

Pec deck: 16, 16, 14, 14 @ 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 50kg

Cable crossover: 16, 16, 12, 9 @ 36.5kg, 41.5kg, 45kg, 41.5kg

Alternating standing calf raise (Smith machine): 36, 45, 55 @ 55kg (incl. bar)


Dumbbell pullover: 18, 16, 14, 14 @ 22kg, 26kg, 32kg, 36kg

Seated calf raise: 36, 42, 50 @ 50kg

Alternating ab cable pulldown: 36, 32, 26 @ 30kg, 35kg, 40kg

+ + +

Chest! You are the weakest link! I've taken a certain consolation in just working my pecs intensely without being able to do flyes for bench press for a while. Hence, the four as opposed to three sets, which I also did with a quickness. My shoulder is feeling better but I still need to give it time. I sure do love pullovers.

Last night I fell asleep at just about 11PM, which was as unusual as it was wonderful. Granted, I did a lot of semi-wakeful turning until I finally removed the hot-cold medicine bandage from my neck around 2:30AM. I woke up after 7AM feeling rested and lucid. NSW! My cat slept in the crook of my thighs virtually the whole night, as far as I could tell. By morning, though, she got all up in my face to meow-meow-meooowww me into feeding her.

Having creatine in me is a bit weird, mostly just a slightly puffy feeling in my head.

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