Monday, December 27, 2010

Gym regimen - December 2010

SMR simulation (MONDAY)
45 mins
96.5kg, BMI 27.5

[I had an unexpectedly draining Christmas weekend and decided I should shift my A-routine one day into the week. I then decided to "simulate" the SMR routine I want to start in January, but at low intensity. I figured doing A1 when my body's still tired from the weekend would just risk an injury.]

WARMUP: Spin bike, assisted dips and pullups, incline situps, squats, stretching

Squat: 20 @ 70kg

Pullover: 20 @ 15kg (plate)

Dips: 10, 10, 12 @ bdw - 20kg

Pullups: 10, 10, 10 @ bdw - 20kg

Alternating incline situps: 24, 24, 24

Pullover: 20 @ 15kg (plate)

Spin bike: 3 mins

+ + +

It was nice to confirm that my initial plan of starting SMR at 70kg would have been way too light. So, while 100kg might be slightly overly ambitious, I think I just need to man up and treat 100kg as my 10-rep max and go from there. One thing I read recently which added to my anticipation of SMR, is how the sheer efort of holding the bar on your traps for the duration of the set, and taking big breaths between clumps of reps strengthens your entire torso. I can detect a definite thickness in my lower back which has come from standing up under the bar. It hit me last week why the squat is so primal, and also so intimidating: it is a parable for "the human difference". We are a species of Homo erectus, so it is our birthright to stand up against the crushing burdens that may beset us. The deadlift is raw and effective because it works the whole body, but the squat is even more elemental because it literally pits you against the ancient risk of being crushed by a heavy object, and triggers every nerve and hormone in you to get the weight up so you can assert your erect spine. The will it takes to stand up is a quintessentially human act; the deadlift partake of that 'dignity' but not as purely as the squat.

It's been a while since I did plain ol' incline sitsups––and they were satisfyingly tough.

I intend to do A1 and A2 Tuesday and Wendesday, respectively, and finish A3 and A4 Friday and Saturday, respectively.

Perhaps the nicest thing about tonight is that I forced myself to be humble and 'scientific'. As 'awkward' as may have felt to do assisted dips and pullups and train everything under my capabilities, I knew I was doing it as part of a longer term strategy, so self-consciousness or ego coudl get bent.

Stay tuned.

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