Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gym regimen - December 2010

A1: Quads and Biceps
(MONDAY): 60 mins
96.5kg, BMI 27.5

Warmup: Exercise bike, stretching, curls, squats


Leg extension: 10, 9, 8, 6 @ 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg

Squat: 12, 9, 6*, 12 @ 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 90kg
[Last 3 reps of 3rd set were with a spotter, fairly big time.]


EZ bar curl: 10, 8, 6 @ 40kg, 45kg, 50kg

Hyper-supinated dumbbell curl: 10, 8, 6 @ 18kg, 18kg, 20kg

Lunge: 16, 16, 16 @ 15kg (plate)


Rope cable curl: 10, 8, 8 @ 30kg, 27.5kg, 30kg

Spin bike: 2 min, 2 min, 2 min

+ + +

I had been prepping myself for a heavy squat session all day, thinking about it, visualizing, rehearsing my form. I was disappointed I couldn't do 6 reps at 120kg without a spot, but, then again, starting at 100kg for 12 reps, then 9 reps at 110kg, is not too shabby. Made sure to go "atg." I also made a point of breathing deeply and driving from my heels. I also kept the bar low on my traps, elbows tight and back. Having established that 70kg is too light, I also feel like 100kg for 20 reps seems a bit insane… but… that's the thing about SMR: it's a periodic "rite of passage", so if it's not tough, it's not really SMR. I finally decided to do a "cooldown" set of 12 reps at 90kg, partially to steel myself for what SMR will feel like, but also to assess if 100kg is too much. I'd say that completing 12 reps at 90kg without much difficulty, after what I'd already done, puts me in a good position to start at 100kg. Oh well, I'll shoot for the same thing next week––12, 9, 6 at 100–120kg––and then start SMR the following Monday, God willing.

Stay tuned.

P.S. My deadlift stalker is proud of his leg strength, saw me doing real work on the squat, asked me as we left the gym, "How much did you do on the squat?", heard my answer, and made his high-pitched little grunt of critical curiosity. Great, now is he going to "try me" on the squat too?

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