Thursday, March 27, 2014

AYCE Heavy notes...

Thursday, 27March 2014
All You Can Eat (AYCE) Heavy
40 min, 233 lbs

Warm-up (10 min.) - a lot of hopping, shaking, swinging, and stretching 
i) DBP: 225 x 5, 245 x 3, 255 x 2
ii) FSQ: 195 x 5, 225 x 3, 255 x 2
iii) Dip: 12, 11, 10
iv) Pull-up: 11, 9, [5-10 minute discussion with a couple high-school guys who asked me some questions {not counted in workout time shown above}], 10 

Hoo-boy! It's a good thing that "how you feel is a lie," because I feel pretty worked! I'm glad I went "lighter" today than on Tuesday. I spent time at lunch today calculating the 75/85/95% 1RM weights for today's workout 5-3-2 rep-scheme. I think it's a reasonable set-up, but it may turn out to be better to go with a 70/80/90% ratio on a 5-5-5 rep-scheme.

I will almost certainly still hit the gym tomorrow, but if not, I'll do some kettlebell and box jump drills at home. Either way, I'm taking the weekend off. There's a Eucharistic Congress downtown beginning tomorrow evening, and I may be having dinner with my brother's family Saturday.

SMILES: I felt more secure on the DBP. I lurrved feeling my abs go completely rigid for my final FSQ.


As for tomorrow, I'm projecting the following:

AYCE Light Friday, 28 March 2014,   min. 
i) MP: 5, 3, 2 @ 115, 125, 135 lbs
ii) CL: 5, 3, 1, 1 @ 145, 165, 185 lbs
iii) Gironda neck press: 10, 10, 10, 10 @ 105, 115, 125, 135 lbs 
iv) Pendlay row: 5, 3, 2 @ 155, 175, 195 lbs

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