Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home workout…

18 May 2011
Core work
30 mins, 98kg


Gut wrench ––
steering: 15/15 @ 10–15kg x 3
drawing water: 15/15 @ 10–15kg x 3

Plate pullover: 25 @ 15kg x 3


Ab roller: 15, 15, 15

Bar-spar: 25/25 @ 15kg x 3


Mace bell––
Chopping: 15/15 @ 8kg x 2
Digging: 15/15 @ 8kg x 2
Overhead swings/swoops: 10/5 @ 8kg

[Notes, in case I myself forget what they mean:

/'s mean I did the drill for both sides, left and right.

My last 5 reps of the bar-sparring were two-handed in the center, but the first 20 reps were 4 subsets of 10 reps per side.

Bar-sparring is just getting under the gut wrench bar to grapple with it like an opponent over me.

Steering is just swinging the gut wrench from left to right with both arms straight.

Drawing water is a one-handed drill where I stand oblique to the gut wrench, let it drop in my hand towards the floor, stop it for a gut flex, and raise it to stand up, and repeat.

The mace bells are pretty standard mace movements, but also draw on the shovelglove regimen. The key, for core work, is to keep the lower back locked, so that the end of every motion "goes into the gut." The shoulders swings were just brutal. My forearms were complaining too, heh! Need another good night of sleep. Amen.]

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