Fortunately, the title refers to my posting here, not my fitness goals! I even managed to rope some friends into working out with me at my home back in June. There are far too many detailed workout records to present now (or perhaps ever) that I've done since my last post here, but basically: these days I'm training exclusively at home, I canceled my gym membership, and I've settled on three basic kinds of workouts through which I cycle each week. Until I get a bicycle, an ergometer, and/or regular access to a pool, or decide to get back into weightlifting full-time again, I don't see these routines changing any time soon. They are what I think are long-term, well rounded fitness routines for maintaining a high metabolic rate, cardiac fitness, speed, power, and neuromuscular coordination.
First, a boxing/calisthenics day (heavy bag, double end bag, speed bag, jump rope, kettlebell, medicine ball, battling ropes, mountain climbers, Hindu squats, etc.). It's been great to get back behind the gloves. It was simply too hot to do much boxing over the summer, since I box outside under a tree or in my garage with no fans or A/C.
Second, a tire and sledge hammer day––that's right, I finally got a GIANT TIRE! It's a Michelin 23.5 R 25 that weighs in close to 900 lbs. I call it Ferdinand. I use it for sledge hits, box jumps, med ball slams, moguls (or donkey hops), kettlebell, flips, tire tennis, etc. Here are some videos I made not too long ago about this. I would like to upload other videos I made in the past highlighting other exercises, but when will I find the time? Stay tuned! Errmmm...
Third, a gymnastics and bodyweight day (dips, rows, pullups, pikeups, jack knives, pushups, L-sits, pistol squats, etc.) using my Jungle Gym XT. I'd like to get a set of wooden gymnastic rings, so that I can have all four points suspended for the motions, but I need to hold my horses. Budget. (And I know I could get another suspension trained for about $20 but I want to get rings, since they enable different maneuvers than standard trainers, and, apparently, "just feel better."
I also mix in grip training during the week with an Ivanko-style multi-grip crusher, Captains of Crush, eagle-loops hangs, rotations, gyro ball, etc. How I miss my spinning flail!
On truly "off days" I at least try to get in 20–30 minutes with the Bodyblade or brisk walking, or even just some intermittent planking.
I began focusing a lot on my core and abs a few weeks ago, after a couple years of taking my abs for granted (not taking their beauty for granted––as if!––but taking their development for granted as a result of squats, deadlifts, and other full-body exercises). As they say, "Your waistline is your lifeline," and I can't deny it's been invigorating and calming to have a tighter, flatter stomach again.
Also, without even really noticing it, I dropped below my goal of 206 lbs. I'm now about 204 lbs, but expect I will gain a few pounds of muscle once my gymnastic and sledge/tire wourkouts add up over the winter months.
Let me close with two specific workouts, to give you an idea of how I'm training. Granted, these were mini-workouts, but you get the idea.
Yesterday my workout was this:
15 min., BPM 150-180
5/5 sagittal hits
5/5 low baseball hits
20 med ball slams (inside Ferdinand)
10 abduction jump-ups (from inside Ferdinand)
10 box jumps*
short REST
repeat 3 more times
* My friend told me that the best way to do box jumps is from a low platform onto the floor and then up onto the box. Since, however, I find that jumping backwards off of Ferdinand onto cinder blocks is too dangerous, and jumping onto the ground and then stepping onto the blocks for a new box jump is too low-intensity, I discovered a good semi-solution: jump off of the box (Ferdinand) into a wide stance and then immediately hop a couple inches forward to bring your feet closer together and then immediately explode up into the box jump. This not only keeps the intensity high and approximates the low-ground-high routine that my friend recommends, but also incorporates adduction and abduction into an otherwise one- or maybe two-plane exercise.
Tonight I "took it easy" and only trained:
grip and core
20 min.
Bodyblade and crusher warm-up, forearm stretching
loop hangs -
2-finger 5 sec.
3-finger 8 sec.
4-finger 11 sec.
repeat 3 more times
multi-crusher (4th from bottom notch) -
10 R/L
8 R/L
6 R/L
4 R/L
2 R/L
(then I inverted the gripper so the handles form a V instead of the normal A shape)
2 L, 2 R...
(pretty much until I couldn't do anymore)
dip-sits -
(I slowly press up from a hanging dip into an L-sit, hold it for 10 sec., and slowly dip down)
short REST
repeat 6 more times
GOALS: SQ 405 lbs, DL 485 lbs, BP 315 lbs, CoC #3 for reps
SQ = back squat, FSQ = front squat, OSQ = overhead squat, HSQ = hack squat, BSQ = Bulgarian squat, JSQ = Jefferson squat, ZSQ = Zercher squat, GSQ = goblet squat;
DL = deadlift, SDL = snatch deadlift, RDL = Romanian deadlift;
(D/I)BP = (decline/incline) bench press, PU = pullup, MP = military press, CL(J) = clean (and jerk), SN = snatch;
bb = barbell, db = dumbbell, kb = kettlebell, mb = medicine ball &c.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Catching up…
Jump rope,
Medicine ball,
Memoirs and Friends,
sledge hammer,
Speed bag,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Fitness update - May 2013 - quasi back on track!
My arm injury is subsiding nicely, and my shin splints have backed off, once I gave them a few days without running or jump rope. It was nice just to come home and eat, or nap, or read, or simply "veg" for a few days. But now I'm trying to regain a little momentum, at least to shed some fat and focus more on bodyweight strength.
Monday, 13 May 2013
24 min., 215 lbs.
3 min. - double end bag
3 min. - jump rope / power tower
[50 skips, then 3 dips, then 3 pullups; ~once per minute]
3 min. - kb drills
[30 swings, 10/10 jerks, 10/10 high-pull-snatch]
3 min. - speed bag REST 2 min., THEN REPEAT
[I also allowed enough time between exercises to remove or don gear and hydrate.]
Tuesday morning I took an NSAID to quell some minor aches in my right arm and medial shins. After work I took my wife to her last pre-natal exam before our son is born, came home, and then… NAPPED for 2+ hours.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
24 min., 215 lbs.
2 min. - double end bag
2 min. - jump rope / power tower
2 min. - speed bag
2 min. - kb drills
[30 swings, 10/10 snatch, 2/2 high pulls]
REST 90 sec., THEN REPEAT x 2
[I also allowed enough time between exercises to remove or don gear and hydrate.]
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Stupid mop, stupid injuries…
The first clause is a reference to Pearl Jam's final 'song' on Vitalogy. #ftw.
The second is more mundane: my shoulder/elbow injuries, induced by a stupid arm-wrestling challenge a couple weeks ago, and my (medial) shin splints, induced by too much jump roping and jogging––together they finally caused me just to "give up" for the last few days and REST. After a jaunt to the beach for some body-boarding, which had my right arm aching all the way home, I was reduced to saying, "Damn it, it's always up or down, always either my ankles or my arm!" So I simply stopped doing any exercise for a few days.
So these notes are pretty off-hand, from memory.
I think on Sunday, May 5, I did…
20 minutes of conditioning, roughly like so…
3 min. jump rope
3 min. jog
3 min. kb x 2
I think on Monday, May 6, I did…
15 minutes of conditioning, like so…
3 min. jump rope
3 min. double end bag
3 min. kb
x 2
But by the end of the workout on Monday, my shins hurt so badly, I could only
walk my second jog circuit. Crippling pain.
So the past few days I've been reading and chilling with my family. And flipping out, now and then, about fulfilling/handing in my first-year-teacher certifications/documentations.
Today, though, I did the following, with little pain…
Saturday, May 11, 2013
20 min., 214 lbs.
3 min. medicine ball (30 wall ball, 30 bucket pass, 20/20 twist-catch)
3 min. double end bag
3 min. kb (30 swings, 10/10/10/10 jerks, 5/5 high-pull-snatch)
3 min. speed bag
3 min. medicine ball, kb (30 wall ball, 30 swings, 10/10 jerks)
3 min. double end bag
2 min. speed bag
The second is more mundane: my shoulder/elbow injuries, induced by a stupid arm-wrestling challenge a couple weeks ago, and my (medial) shin splints, induced by too much jump roping and jogging––together they finally caused me just to "give up" for the last few days and REST. After a jaunt to the beach for some body-boarding, which had my right arm aching all the way home, I was reduced to saying, "Damn it, it's always up or down, always either my ankles or my arm!" So I simply stopped doing any exercise for a few days.
So these notes are pretty off-hand, from memory.
I think on Sunday, May 5, I did…
20 minutes of conditioning, roughly like so…
3 min. jump rope
3 min. jog
3 min. kb x 2
I think on Monday, May 6, I did…
15 minutes of conditioning, like so…
3 min. jump rope
3 min. double end bag
3 min. kb
x 2
But by the end of the workout on Monday, my shins hurt so badly, I could only
walk my second jog circuit. Crippling pain.
So the past few days I've been reading and chilling with my family. And flipping out, now and then, about fulfilling/handing in my first-year-teacher certifications/documentations.
Today, though, I did the following, with little pain…
Saturday, May 11, 2013
20 min., 214 lbs.
3 min. medicine ball (30 wall ball, 30 bucket pass, 20/20 twist-catch)
3 min. double end bag
3 min. kb (30 swings, 10/10/10/10 jerks, 5/5 high-pull-snatch)
3 min. speed bag
3 min. medicine ball, kb (30 wall ball, 30 swings, 10/10 jerks)
3 min. double end bag
2 min. speed bag
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Fitness and Gym regimen update – April 2013
Thursday I just slept early and rested. Earlier that day, though, like the idiot that I am, on a whim I agreed to arm wrestle a student who was in my room after school, having been displaced from his usual tutoring room. I have always sucked at arm wrestling and I know arm wrestling more about tricks and timing than actual strength. But I took the bait, anyway, and just like last time, I landed myself with strained tendons. It didn't help that this time, like last time, followed closely on a bench press workout. So I've had to tread lightly on upper-body exercises the past few days. I was a little audacious with my workout tonight (Sunday), but there's nothing like a mild injury to check your kettlebell form! Strangely enough, holding my daughter makes it hurt worse than the drills I did tonight. Must be the angle.
Oh, and Thursday night I read a good article by Jan Dellinger about training with Vern Weaver, which has given me ideas to tweak my current 5x5 regimen into a 6x6 routine, about which I'll say more later. In brief, though: SQ (hack or rack), weighted dips or flyes, clean high pull or DL, PU––that's it! Stay tuned….
Friday, 26 April 2013
20 min., 218 lbs.
[I took a nap when I got home but then went for the following workout at night.]
jogging - 13 min.
jump rope - 3 min., 3 min.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
30 min. (?), 218 lbs.
jogging - 10 min.
walking - 15 min.
jogging - 9 min.
walking - 20 min.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
25 min., 219 lbs.
double end bag - 2 min.
kb drills - 2 min.
[swings, high pull swings, clean swings]
medicine ball - 2 min.
[wall ball, swing-toss, hop-catch]
jump rope - 2 min.
[250 skips]
REST - 2 min.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fitness and gym update – April 2013
Monday 22 April 2013 work out
50 min.
Speed bag - 3 min.
Double end bag - 3 min.
Jump rope - 3 min.
Speed bag - 3 min.
Double end bag - 3 min.
Jump rope - 4 min.
Continuous kb movements - 3 min.
[I've wanted to try this for a while: just keep the kb moving for a fixed amount of time; once one motion becomes too tiresome, switch to another; very acrobatic.]
Rest between sets to gear up, hydrate, stretch
This is the first time in several weeks (four? six?) that I've been able to jump rope without any pain or debilitation from my ingrown toe! Apparently my boxing, kettlebell/mace conditioning, and weightlifting has kept me in good shape, too. I was able to jump longer than I used to, with less soleus/shin pain, and, though it's nothing spectacular, a four-minute streak is a personal record for at least the past three years. My pulse was easily at 180 bpm while jumping, and just as high for the three-minute kettlebell "loop" I did at the end. I think working past my shin splints from a few months ago, and doing foam roller massages every couple days, had really restored my lower legs. Now I'm tempted to buy a unicycle, since I sold my bicycle a while back.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
50 min., 217 lbs.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 205, 210, 215, 220, 225 lbs.
BP: 5 x 5 @ 195, 185, 185, 185, 185 lbs.
PU: 5 x 5 @ bdw+35, +25, +15, +10, +5 lbs.
"box squat" db curls: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
[I think I made these up. Begin seated, stand up, curl, lower the db, sit down, repeat. Really liked them. Will try them with a bb next time.]
50 min.
Speed bag - 3 min.
Double end bag - 3 min.
Jump rope - 3 min.
Speed bag - 3 min.
Double end bag - 3 min.
Jump rope - 4 min.
Continuous kb movements - 3 min.
[I've wanted to try this for a while: just keep the kb moving for a fixed amount of time; once one motion becomes too tiresome, switch to another; very acrobatic.]
Rest between sets to gear up, hydrate, stretch
+ + +
This is the first time in several weeks (four? six?) that I've been able to jump rope without any pain or debilitation from my ingrown toe! Apparently my boxing, kettlebell/mace conditioning, and weightlifting has kept me in good shape, too. I was able to jump longer than I used to, with less soleus/shin pain, and, though it's nothing spectacular, a four-minute streak is a personal record for at least the past three years. My pulse was easily at 180 bpm while jumping, and just as high for the three-minute kettlebell "loop" I did at the end. I think working past my shin splints from a few months ago, and doing foam roller massages every couple days, had really restored my lower legs. Now I'm tempted to buy a unicycle, since I sold my bicycle a while back.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
50 min., 217 lbs.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 205, 210, 215, 220, 225 lbs.
BP: 5 x 5 @ 195, 185, 185, 185, 185 lbs.
PU: 5 x 5 @ bdw+35, +25, +15, +10, +5 lbs.
"box squat" db curls: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
[I think I made these up. Begin seated, stand up, curl, lower the db, sit down, repeat. Really liked them. Will try them with a bb next time.]
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Gym regimen – April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
50 min., 218 lbs.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 215 lbs.
db slight-incline press-and-squeeze: 5 x 5 @ 55, 65, 65, 70, 65
[Felt pain in right posterior shoulder, hence I dropped back to 65 lbs.]
DL: 5 x 1 @ 305 lbs.
[Felt great!]
EZ bb standing curl: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
50 min., 218 lbs.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 215 lbs.
db slight-incline press-and-squeeze: 5 x 5 @ 55, 65, 65, 70, 65
[Felt pain in right posterior shoulder, hence I dropped back to 65 lbs.]
DL: 5 x 1 @ 305 lbs.
[Felt great!]
EZ bb standing curl: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Fitness update - April 2013
Friday, 19 April 2013
20–25 min.
jump rope - 1 min.
[The first time I've used my "impact feet" in weeks, so I'm finally getting past my ingrown toenail!]
speed bag - 3 min.
kb drills - 3–4 min.
[kb swings - 30, kb swing and shove - 10/10, kb shotput swing - 5/5, kb snatch - 10/10]
speed bag - 3 min.
+ + + + +
Saturday, 20 April 2013
50 min.
mace bell - ~6 min.
[360's - 20/20, 10-and-2's - 20/20, King-Arthurs - 5/5, 5/5, samurai swing - 20/20]
medicine ball - ~6 min.
[shuffle ball - 15/15, lunge catch - 10/10, hot potato - 20/20, catch-jacks - 20/20]
kb drills - ~7 min.
[kb swings - 30, kb clean punch - 10/10, kb shotput swing - 10/10, kb snatch - 10/10, kb round the world - 20/20]
speed bag - 3 min.
REPEAT circuit
Then I made a brief set of exercises for a brief demo video I'll post to show some of my favorite exercises (most/some of the above).
Then I did about 20 minutes of yard work (clipping hedging).
20–25 min.
jump rope - 1 min.
[The first time I've used my "impact feet" in weeks, so I'm finally getting past my ingrown toenail!]
speed bag - 3 min.
kb drills - 3–4 min.
[kb swings - 30, kb swing and shove - 10/10, kb shotput swing - 5/5, kb snatch - 10/10]
speed bag - 3 min.
kb drills - 3–4 min.
[kb swings - 30, kb swing and shove - 10/10, kb shotput swing - 5/5, kb snatch - 10/10]
+ + + + +
Saturday, 20 April 2013
50 min.
mace bell - ~6 min.
[360's - 20/20, 10-and-2's - 20/20, King-Arthurs - 5/5, 5/5, samurai swing - 20/20]
medicine ball - ~6 min.
[shuffle ball - 15/15, lunge catch - 10/10, hot potato - 20/20, catch-jacks - 20/20]
kb drills - ~7 min.
[kb swings - 30, kb clean punch - 10/10, kb shotput swing - 10/10, kb snatch - 10/10, kb round the world - 20/20]
speed bag - 3 min.
REPEAT circuit
Then I made a brief set of exercises for a brief demo video I'll post to show some of my favorite exercises (most/some of the above).
Then I did about 20 minutes of yard work (clipping hedging).
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Fitness update - April 2013
Thursday, 18 April 2013
25–30 min., 216 lbs.
speed bag: 3 min.
medicine ball: 3 min. + 12 lbs. (wall ball, twist tosses, bucket pass)
double end bag: 3 min.
kb drills: 3 min. (swings, high-pull swings, shot put swings)
REST 1–2 min.
speed bag: 3 min.
Kicked my butt! Must stick with boxing conditioning even though I'm doing 5x5.
25–30 min., 216 lbs.
speed bag: 3 min.
medicine ball: 3 min. + 12 lbs. (wall ball, twist tosses, bucket pass)
double end bag: 3 min.
kb drills: 3 min. (swings, high-pull swings, shot put swings)
REST 1–2 min.
speed bag: 3 min.
Kicked my butt! Must stick with boxing conditioning even though I'm doing 5x5.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Fitness update – April 2013
Friday, 12 April 2013
60 min.
Coached a student on how to squat and deadlift. Helped me focus on and improve my own technique. He's coachable; only thing that matters.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 205 lbs.
db slight-incline press-and-squeeze: 5 x 5 @ 55, 65, 65, 70, 65
[Felt pain in right posterior shoulder, hence I dropped back to 65 lbs.]
DL: 5 x 1 @ 305 lbs.
[Felt great!]
EZ bb standing curl: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
20 min.
3 min. mace drills (10-and-2's, 360's, King Arthurs)
kb swings: 30
kb shotput swings: 10/10
kb high pull / snatch: 5/5
3 min. speed bag
Monday, 15 April 2013
40 min.
mowed lawn…
3 min. speed bag
3 min. kb drills
3 min. speed bag
3 min. kb drills
3 min. speed bag
60 min.
Coached a student on how to squat and deadlift. Helped me focus on and improve my own technique. He's coachable; only thing that matters.
warm-up: motions, stretching
SQ: 5 x 5 @ 205 lbs.
db slight-incline press-and-squeeze: 5 x 5 @ 55, 65, 65, 70, 65
[Felt pain in right posterior shoulder, hence I dropped back to 65 lbs.]
DL: 5 x 1 @ 305 lbs.
[Felt great!]
EZ bb standing curl: 5 x 5 @ 80 lbs.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
20 min.
3 min. mace drills (10-and-2's, 360's, King Arthurs)
kb swings: 30
kb shotput swings: 10/10
kb high pull / snatch: 5/5
3 min. speed bag
Monday, 15 April 2013
40 min.
mowed lawn…
3 min. speed bag
3 min. kb drills
3 min. speed bag
3 min. kb drills
3 min. speed bag
Monday, April 8, 2013
Fitness update -- April 2013
Mostly just greasing the groove today.
I've got some "good soreness" from my 5x5 workout Saturday. My right hand felt better on the speed bag, only some residual soreness. I've still fighting my ingrown left big toe. Very hobbling as far as cardio exercises go.
Anyway, today…
Monday, 8 April 2013
30 min., 216 lbs.
[Rest the bar on your hip with the weight behind you. Fling it forward around your waist as if drawing a sword, catch it with the leading hand, and reverse the vector.]
spear - 10/10, 10/10
[Thrust the mace as you sidestep with it.]
Excalibur - 5/5, 5/5
[Yank the mace up like a sword from the stone, thrust it skywards, kneel (lunge) down, and stand to replace the mace into the stone.]
360's - 10/10, 10/10
[Here's a nice little mace swinging video, too.]
swing - 30
high pull snatch - 10/10
[Swing up to a high pull, swing down, then snatch up.]
speed bag - 3 min.
I've got some "good soreness" from my 5x5 workout Saturday. My right hand felt better on the speed bag, only some residual soreness. I've still fighting my ingrown left big toe. Very hobbling as far as cardio exercises go.
Anyway, today…
Monday, 8 April 2013
30 min., 216 lbs.
speed bag - 4.5 min.
mace drills...
sword draw - 10/10[Rest the bar on your hip with the weight behind you. Fling it forward around your waist as if drawing a sword, catch it with the leading hand, and reverse the vector.]
spear - 10/10, 10/10
[Thrust the mace as you sidestep with it.]
Excalibur - 5/5, 5/5
[Yank the mace up like a sword from the stone, thrust it skywards, kneel (lunge) down, and stand to replace the mace into the stone.]
360's - 10/10, 10/10
[Here's a nice little mace swinging video, too.]
speed bag - 4 min.
kb drills...
clean - 10/10swing - 30
high pull snatch - 10/10
[Swing up to a high pull, swing down, then snatch up.]
speed bag - 3 min.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Fitness update – April 2013 … Back in the Gym for a little 5x5!
Saturday, 6 April 2013
<60 min., 215 lbs.
SQ: 8, 8 @ 135 lbs, 185 lbs
db press: 8, 8 @ 45 lbs, 50 lbs
DL: 8, 8 @ 185 lbs, 135 lbs
SQ: 5x5 @ 205 lbs
db press: 5x5 60 lbs
DL: 5x5 @ 245 lbs
EZ bb curl (quasi-superset):
10 @ 60 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs;
8 @ 60 lbs, 6 @ 50 lbs, 8 @ 40 lbs;
10 @ 60 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs
<60 min., 215 lbs.
SQ: 8, 8 @ 135 lbs, 185 lbs
db press: 8, 8 @ 45 lbs, 50 lbs
DL: 8, 8 @ 185 lbs, 135 lbs
SQ: 5x5 @ 205 lbs
db press: 5x5 60 lbs
DL: 5x5 @ 245 lbs
EZ bb curl (quasi-superset):
10 @ 60 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs;
8 @ 60 lbs, 6 @ 50 lbs, 8 @ 40 lbs;
10 @ 60 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs
Fitness update - April 2013
Thursday, 4 April 2013
30 min., 215 lbs.
speed bag – 3 min. x 3
kb swings – 30, 35, 40
pull-ups – 5, 8, 11
dips – 5, 8, 11
[I lost a lot of time dealing with the tire-made heavy-bag––I'm still working on how to hang it––and trying to eradicate the stench that's been coming from two giant dead rats that my neighbor tossed in his back yard next to my garage. I used gasoline, fire, and then bleach. Win!]
Friday, 5 April 2013
25 min., 215 lbs.
warm-up: mace drills ––> 5–10 min.
speed bag – one round for as long as I could keep up cadence ––> 5'26"
[Actually, I could have gone longer, but I was distracted by the pain in my right hand. I had an intense speed bag session yesterday, and the bones feel a bit bruised. So I'll be icing my hands, or at least my right hand, laying off the speed bag for a while, and maybe not even filming my progress video this weekend.]
kb swings: 20, 20
kb shotput swing: 10/10, 10/10
kb hoist and shove: 10/10, 10/10
[I also did some raking under the back tree to make the ground more level. Getting ready to hang my tire-made heavy bag...! I've already got two friends "on board" for training at my "gym laboratory" once or twice a week this summer, and on the way home from Home Depot today I saw a guy running backwards in the street and I immediately knew, "This guy needs to train with me." His name is James and he lives maybe a mile away. We exchanged numbers and hope to hang out when he gets back from a visit home to Michigan in a couple weeks. He's got a degree in sports science, also motivates/trains his wife, and is way more cut than I am heheh!
Why did I go to Home Depot, you ask? I try to limit myself to one DIY project a month, if it costs me money, so this month I decided to make a mace. I made one in Taiwan, and I've been missing it lately. My mace in Taiwan was about 3' of 1/2" steel pipe, a cap to stop the weights, and some rubber gaskets and a U-bolt to lock the weights up at the top. My new mace is much more ambitious: 3' of 1.5" steel pipe for the weight plates, a bushing to join a 1' long handle of 3/4" pipe, a cap for the top and a U-bolt to lock down the weights. I added a modest 6 lbs. of plates to the head, but, honestly, the mace by itself, even without weights, is quite a challenge after a hiatus, so for now I may just use it as a massive Indian club. For a shorter homemade mace bell, I could try this awesome DIY method. Here's another ingeniously simple method for a homemade mace bell/gada. ;p
Tomorrow I will be back in the gym. I originally wanted to cancel my membership, but they talked me into a 25% lower monthly fee and I'm staying. I figure I need a gym for 1) squatting, 2) deadlifting, 3) db shrugs, flyes, and presses (the Big Three, basically), and 4) farmer walking. Otherwise, I'll stick with my kettlebell, mace, boxing, jump rope, medicine ball, bodyweight conditioning.]
30 min., 215 lbs.
speed bag – 3 min. x 3
kb swings – 30, 35, 40
pull-ups – 5, 8, 11
dips – 5, 8, 11
[I lost a lot of time dealing with the tire-made heavy-bag––I'm still working on how to hang it––and trying to eradicate the stench that's been coming from two giant dead rats that my neighbor tossed in his back yard next to my garage. I used gasoline, fire, and then bleach. Win!]
Friday, 5 April 2013
25 min., 215 lbs.
warm-up: mace drills ––> 5–10 min.
speed bag – one round for as long as I could keep up cadence ––> 5'26"
[Actually, I could have gone longer, but I was distracted by the pain in my right hand. I had an intense speed bag session yesterday, and the bones feel a bit bruised. So I'll be icing my hands, or at least my right hand, laying off the speed bag for a while, and maybe not even filming my progress video this weekend.]
kb swings: 20, 20
kb shotput swing: 10/10, 10/10
kb hoist and shove: 10/10, 10/10
[I also did some raking under the back tree to make the ground more level. Getting ready to hang my tire-made heavy bag...! I've already got two friends "on board" for training at my "gym laboratory" once or twice a week this summer, and on the way home from Home Depot today I saw a guy running backwards in the street and I immediately knew, "This guy needs to train with me." His name is James and he lives maybe a mile away. We exchanged numbers and hope to hang out when he gets back from a visit home to Michigan in a couple weeks. He's got a degree in sports science, also motivates/trains his wife, and is way more cut than I am heheh!
Why did I go to Home Depot, you ask? I try to limit myself to one DIY project a month, if it costs me money, so this month I decided to make a mace. I made one in Taiwan, and I've been missing it lately. My mace in Taiwan was about 3' of 1/2" steel pipe, a cap to stop the weights, and some rubber gaskets and a U-bolt to lock the weights up at the top. My new mace is much more ambitious: 3' of 1.5" steel pipe for the weight plates, a bushing to join a 1' long handle of 3/4" pipe, a cap for the top and a U-bolt to lock down the weights. I added a modest 6 lbs. of plates to the head, but, honestly, the mace by itself, even without weights, is quite a challenge after a hiatus, so for now I may just use it as a massive Indian club. For a shorter homemade mace bell, I could try this awesome DIY method. Here's another ingeniously simple method for a homemade mace bell/gada. ;p
Tomorrow I will be back in the gym. I originally wanted to cancel my membership, but they talked me into a 25% lower monthly fee and I'm staying. I figure I need a gym for 1) squatting, 2) deadlifting, 3) db shrugs, flyes, and presses (the Big Three, basically), and 4) farmer walking. Otherwise, I'll stick with my kettlebell, mace, boxing, jump rope, medicine ball, bodyweight conditioning.]
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Fitness update –– April 2013
Sunday, 31 March 2013
25 min., 214 lbs.
keg movements (swings, press, FSQ, etc.) –– 10 min.
Speed bag – 3 min. 1 min. REST --> Heavy bag –– 3 min., 1 min. REST
x 3
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
40 min., 215 lbs.
wall ball –– 20
med ball twist toss –– 20/20
med ball bucket toss –– 25
lassoing –– 20/20
kb pass around –– 20/20
kb figure-8 –– 20/20
kb shotput swing –– 10/10
kb swing –– 20
2 min. REST
x 2
speed bag – 3 min.
keg FSQ – 15, 15 @ 70 lbs. (?)
x 2
Yesterday I went to my gym, Olympia on Normandy Blvd., ready to cancel my membership. I felt bad just canceling, but also explained that I have less time and reason to go to the gym (job, new baby coming, etc.), so the manager was nice enough to reduce my monthly fee by about 20%. Blush. I'll be there this weekend! I think one day a week of squats, deadlifts, bench/flyes, and farmer walks, mixed in with my more conditioning-based regimen these days, will be good. The trainer said I looked good, having obviously cut 15–20 lbs.
25 min., 214 lbs.
keg movements (swings, press, FSQ, etc.) –– 10 min.
Speed bag – 3 min. 1 min. REST --> Heavy bag –– 3 min., 1 min. REST
x 3
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
40 min., 215 lbs.
wall ball –– 20
med ball twist toss –– 20/20
med ball bucket toss –– 25
lassoing –– 20/20
kb pass around –– 20/20
kb figure-8 –– 20/20
kb shotput swing –– 10/10
kb swing –– 20
2 min. REST
x 2
speed bag – 3 min.
keg FSQ – 15, 15 @ 70 lbs. (?)
x 2
Yesterday I went to my gym, Olympia on Normandy Blvd., ready to cancel my membership. I felt bad just canceling, but also explained that I have less time and reason to go to the gym (job, new baby coming, etc.), so the manager was nice enough to reduce my monthly fee by about 20%. Blush. I'll be there this weekend! I think one day a week of squats, deadlifts, bench/flyes, and farmer walks, mixed in with my more conditioning-based regimen these days, will be good. The trainer said I looked good, having obviously cut 15–20 lbs.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Fitness update - March 2013
Thursday, 28 March 2013
20 min., 214 lbs.
warm-up: speed bag - 3 min. x 2
wall ball - 20, 20
one-arm swing - 10/10, 10/10
clean press - 10/10, 10/10
shotput swing - 10/10, 10/10
[One-arm swing up, catch at the shoulder, press up and away into swing. Repeat.]
3-2-1 kb snatch - 10/10, 10/10
kb/db bench press - 10/10, 10/10
[A kb in one hand, a db in the other. Switch and repeat. I used a plastic stepstool as my bench.]
Saturday, 30 March 2013
45 min., 214 lbs.
Showed a friend my home/garage gym. Taught him how to use the speed bag, kettlebell, and some of my various other devices. Fun times. But, after returning from a baby shower put on by friends, I was hankering for a proper workout. Did the following....
wall ball - 20 x 4
kb swings - 20 x 4
kb clean - 10/10 x 4
shotput swing - 10/10 x 4
kb snatch - 10/10 x 4
little to NO REST between exercises; 2–3 min. REST between circuits
20 min., 214 lbs.
warm-up: speed bag - 3 min. x 2
wall ball - 20, 20
one-arm swing - 10/10, 10/10
clean press - 10/10, 10/10
shotput swing - 10/10, 10/10
[One-arm swing up, catch at the shoulder, press up and away into swing. Repeat.]
3-2-1 kb snatch - 10/10, 10/10
kb/db bench press - 10/10, 10/10
[A kb in one hand, a db in the other. Switch and repeat. I used a plastic stepstool as my bench.]
Saturday, 30 March 2013
45 min., 214 lbs.
Showed a friend my home/garage gym. Taught him how to use the speed bag, kettlebell, and some of my various other devices. Fun times. But, after returning from a baby shower put on by friends, I was hankering for a proper workout. Did the following....
wall ball - 20 x 4
kb swings - 20 x 4
kb clean - 10/10 x 4
shotput swing - 10/10 x 4
kb snatch - 10/10 x 4
little to NO REST between exercises; 2–3 min. REST between circuits
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Fitness update - March 2013
I've had an ingrown toenail the past week, so I haven't been able to jump rope or run. Happily, though, I've saved the toe from infection or any surgical help, and I added a little jogging to my workout today.
Friday, 22 March 2013
45 min., 216 lbs.
wall ball - 20
twist toss - 10/10
bucket toss - 20
KB swing - 20
KB figure-8- 20
KB one-arm swing - 10/10
KB sidearm SQ - 10/10
KB pushup - 10/10
KB renegade row - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
x 3
Saturday, 23 March 2013
60 min., 215 lbs.
double end bag - 2-3 min.
heavy bag - 2-3 min.
KB swings - 20
KB swing and shove - 10/10
[The swing and shove is a move I improvised. Your swing the KB from one side up to the opposite shoulder, pause for an instant, and then shove the KB back up and away to the other side, like a shot put.]
KB pass around - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
tire drag: stride & bear crawl - 1 min.
speed bag - 3 min. x 3
[After my workout I did a strongman stunt which is among my proudest moments as an amateur athlete. I stood one 35-lb. dumbbell upright in my right hand and then swung-pressed my 35-lb kettlebell overhead on its handle in my left hand. Then I squatted with both overhead and did a lunge for each leg. The day before I had done it with the KB in my right hand, but had not been able to complete it with the KB in my left hand.]
Monday, 25 March 2013
30 min., 214 lbs.
wall ball - 10
twist toss - 10/10
bucket toss - 10
KB swings - 20
KB pass around - 10/10
KB figure-8 slap - 10
[This is an exercise I learned from this video about kettlebell training for boxing.]
KB crusher squat press - 10
KB swing and shove - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
NO REST between exercises
1 min. REST after circuit
x 3
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
25 min, 214 lbs.
double end bag 3 min.
speed bag 3 min.
x 2
KB swings - 30 sec.
KB swing and shove - 30 sec./30 sec.
KB clean - 30 sec./30 sec.
KB clean and press - 30 sec./ 30 sec.
1 min. jog
2 min. REST
x 3
Friday, 22 March 2013
45 min., 216 lbs.
wall ball - 20
twist toss - 10/10
bucket toss - 20
KB swing - 20
KB figure-8- 20
KB one-arm swing - 10/10
KB sidearm SQ - 10/10
KB pushup - 10/10
KB renegade row - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
x 3
Saturday, 23 March 2013
60 min., 215 lbs.
double end bag - 2-3 min.
heavy bag - 2-3 min.
KB swings - 20
KB swing and shove - 10/10
[The swing and shove is a move I improvised. Your swing the KB from one side up to the opposite shoulder, pause for an instant, and then shove the KB back up and away to the other side, like a shot put.]
KB pass around - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
tire drag: stride & bear crawl - 1 min.
speed bag - 3 min. x 3
[After my workout I did a strongman stunt which is among my proudest moments as an amateur athlete. I stood one 35-lb. dumbbell upright in my right hand and then swung-pressed my 35-lb kettlebell overhead on its handle in my left hand. Then I squatted with both overhead and did a lunge for each leg. The day before I had done it with the KB in my right hand, but had not been able to complete it with the KB in my left hand.]
Monday, 25 March 2013
30 min., 214 lbs.
wall ball - 10
twist toss - 10/10
bucket toss - 10
KB swings - 20
KB pass around - 10/10
KB figure-8 slap - 10
[This is an exercise I learned from this video about kettlebell training for boxing.]
KB crusher squat press - 10
KB swing and shove - 10/10
KB clean and press - 10/10
NO REST between exercises
1 min. REST after circuit
x 3
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
25 min, 214 lbs.
double end bag 3 min.
speed bag 3 min.
x 2
KB swings - 30 sec.
KB swing and shove - 30 sec./30 sec.
KB clean - 30 sec./30 sec.
KB clean and press - 30 sec./ 30 sec.
1 min. jog
2 min. REST
x 3
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fitness update - NEW EQUIPMENT DAY!
Well, boys and girls, I finally got a real kettlebell. I saw a 35-lb. one at––don't laugh––Walmart last week and decided for once I would just buy the real deal instead of jerry-rigging something from the hardware store, etc. The cheapest one I had seen online was for $21.00 plus about $25.00 S&H, and the one at Walmart was only a few dollars more. Plus, it has a neoprene coating and wide handle, so I'm happy. It also began raining on my way home, which made it ideal for an indoor/garage workout––i.e. kettlebell training!
I want to avoid a wrist/forearm injury at all costs, so I wore my large wrist bands and some weightlifting wrist wraps.
I was experimenting, so I did a whole range of exercises, some standard, others I improvised.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
50 min., 214 lbs.
[It is to be understood that one-handed exercises are two be counted twice. I rested a couple minutes between circuits.]
swing-arounds, speed bag, double end bag, heavy bag
swings: 12, 24
goblet squat: 12, 24
sidearm squat: 6, 12
one-arm swing: 6, 12
tripod row: 6, 12
stagger push-ups: 6, 12
flip-ups: 12, 12
one-arm supine press: 12 + 12; 12 + 12
hand-offs: 6, 12
clean & press: 12, 6 + 6
[I will not explain the (standard) moves that are easily found on the Internet (swings, goblet squats, one-arm swings, etc.
A sidearm squat is when I hold the KB up at one shoulder, hold the other out at my side, and squat.
A tripod row is when I brace myself on hand and spread legs and lift the KB with my free hand.
Stagger push-ups are when I put one hand on the KB with the other on the floor.
Flip-ups are when I lie supine with the KB over my head and then sit up quickly to stop the KB on my thighs and then swing back into a supine position.
One-arm supine press is when I lie down and press the KB up to work the pectorals; I found it best to keep the elbow far-ish out from my body, as well as keeping the contralateral leg raised.
Hand-offs are like swing-arounds, but activate the traps, biceps, and core more, in that the weight is heavier, and the motion is more of a heave from behind one hip to stop at the other hip.
The angles with KB's are indeed strange, and I felt unusual little pains in my knees. I like how the KB also works my grip.
Stay tuned.]
I want to avoid a wrist/forearm injury at all costs, so I wore my large wrist bands and some weightlifting wrist wraps.
I was experimenting, so I did a whole range of exercises, some standard, others I improvised.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
50 min., 214 lbs.
[It is to be understood that one-handed exercises are two be counted twice. I rested a couple minutes between circuits.]
swing-arounds, speed bag, double end bag, heavy bag
swings: 12, 24
goblet squat: 12, 24
sidearm squat: 6, 12
one-arm swing: 6, 12
tripod row: 6, 12
stagger push-ups: 6, 12
flip-ups: 12, 12
one-arm supine press: 12 + 12; 12 + 12
hand-offs: 6, 12
clean & press: 12, 6 + 6
[I will not explain the (standard) moves that are easily found on the Internet (swings, goblet squats, one-arm swings, etc.
A sidearm squat is when I hold the KB up at one shoulder, hold the other out at my side, and squat.
A tripod row is when I brace myself on hand and spread legs and lift the KB with my free hand.
Stagger push-ups are when I put one hand on the KB with the other on the floor.
Flip-ups are when I lie supine with the KB over my head and then sit up quickly to stop the KB on my thighs and then swing back into a supine position.
One-arm supine press is when I lie down and press the KB up to work the pectorals; I found it best to keep the elbow far-ish out from my body, as well as keeping the contralateral leg raised.
Hand-offs are like swing-arounds, but activate the traps, biceps, and core more, in that the weight is heavier, and the motion is more of a heave from behind one hip to stop at the other hip.
The angles with KB's are indeed strange, and I felt unusual little pains in my knees. I like how the KB also works my grip.
Stay tuned.]
Monday, March 18, 2013
Fitness update - March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
30 min., 215 lbs.
wall ball : 1 min. x 2
med ball core twist : 1 min. x 2
med ball bucket toss : 1 min. x 2
jump rope : 1 min. x 2
double end bag : 1 min. x 2
3 minute jog x 2
speed bag : 3 min. x 3
Monday, 18 March 2013
60 min., 215 lbs.
warm up:
virtual punching, sling pushups, lassoing, core twists
lassoing: 20/20
core twists: 10/10,
reverse core twists: 10/10
pass-arounds: 20/20
pullups: 5 x 2
sling pushups: 15 x 3
double end bag: 3 min. x 3
speed bag: 2 min. x 3
[Lassoing is when I swing a weighted rope over my head. Core twists are when I use the bungee-cord-staff-at-arm-length to twist while standing. Pass arounds are when I swing a weighted rope from hand to hand around my body.]
30 min., 215 lbs.
wall ball : 1 min. x 2
med ball core twist : 1 min. x 2
med ball bucket toss : 1 min. x 2
jump rope : 1 min. x 2
double end bag : 1 min. x 2
3 minute jog x 2
speed bag : 3 min. x 3
Monday, 18 March 2013
60 min., 215 lbs.
warm up:
virtual punching, sling pushups, lassoing, core twists
lassoing: 20/20
core twists: 10/10,
reverse core twists: 10/10
pass-arounds: 20/20
pullups: 5 x 2
sling pushups: 15 x 3
double end bag: 3 min. x 3
speed bag: 2 min. x 3
[Lassoing is when I swing a weighted rope over my head. Core twists are when I use the bungee-cord-staff-at-arm-length to twist while standing. Pass arounds are when I swing a weighted rope from hand to hand around my body.]
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Fitness update -- March 2013
I've been under the weather the past week, so I haven't had anything worth reporting fitness-wise. I was outside too much last weekend whilst sweaty in the cool evenings, and daylight savings time threw me off. My left eyelid was twitching for nearly three days, as I was simply fatigued. To stand in for exercise, I mostly just did some yard work, took a couple walks, did a little speed bag, and rested. One nice thing about cutting weight, versus bulking up as I've been doing the past two or three years, is that getting sick helps you achieve your goal for once!
Since the diocesan Eucharistic Congress last weekend, I've been digging in deeper spiritually and reading St. Francis de Sales' Introduction to the Devout Life. I have tried to read the Introduction before, of course, but this time things lined up nicely enough that I felt the confession I made at the Congress satisfied St. Francis' counsel to make a general confession to begin the devout life as he guides the devotee in it. St. Francis is my patron saint, so, even though Bergoglio took the name Francis for the saint of Assisi, I think it's a win for all Catholic Francises! In fact, the Pope may have tipped my hand and I might name our son Francis!
Anyway, today was a quintessentially "spring in Florida" day, and I was able to sleep in at last (Saturday, hooray!), so I had the impetus to get back on track.
(Oh, and it turns out my scale at home was/is quite inaccurate, so I'm actually closer to 220 lbs. than to 210 lbs. But I can tell I've lost a few pounds this week.)
16 March 2013
30 min., 215 lbs.
[I did three circuits of the below exercises, with about 30 seconds of rest between each exercise and 1 minute of rest between circuits.]
Wall ball (14 lbs. med ball) : 1 min.
Med ball twist toss : 1 min.
Med ball bucket toss : 1 min.
Jump rope : 1 min.
Double end bag : 1 min.
Heavy bag : 1 min.
Tire drag : run and then bear crawl x 2
"Cool down" - Speed bag : 3 min. x 3
[I hit bare-handed today, which turned out to be an improvement. I was wailing on the bag my third round! Hopefully I can do just as well tomorrow for my weekly video update.]
Since the diocesan Eucharistic Congress last weekend, I've been digging in deeper spiritually and reading St. Francis de Sales' Introduction to the Devout Life. I have tried to read the Introduction before, of course, but this time things lined up nicely enough that I felt the confession I made at the Congress satisfied St. Francis' counsel to make a general confession to begin the devout life as he guides the devotee in it. St. Francis is my patron saint, so, even though Bergoglio took the name Francis for the saint of Assisi, I think it's a win for all Catholic Francises! In fact, the Pope may have tipped my hand and I might name our son Francis!
Anyway, today was a quintessentially "spring in Florida" day, and I was able to sleep in at last (Saturday, hooray!), so I had the impetus to get back on track.
(Oh, and it turns out my scale at home was/is quite inaccurate, so I'm actually closer to 220 lbs. than to 210 lbs. But I can tell I've lost a few pounds this week.)
16 March 2013
30 min., 215 lbs.
[I did three circuits of the below exercises, with about 30 seconds of rest between each exercise and 1 minute of rest between circuits.]
Wall ball (14 lbs. med ball) : 1 min.
Med ball twist toss : 1 min.
Med ball bucket toss : 1 min.
Jump rope : 1 min.
Double end bag : 1 min.
Heavy bag : 1 min.
Tire drag : run and then bear crawl x 2
"Cool down" - Speed bag : 3 min. x 3
[I hit bare-handed today, which turned out to be an improvement. I was wailing on the bag my third round! Hopefully I can do just as well tomorrow for my weekly video update.]
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Fitness update - March 2013
Made my slosh bars. I cut the 10' by 3" PVC into a 7' piece and a 3' piece. The smaller one is actually a little harder to control than the big one, at least in so far as it's for one hand exercises. The 7' bar is much lighter than I'd expected, which is disappointing. I may fill it to about 80%, instead of 65%, before sealing it shut. The threads on the plug do leak, so rather than deal with that frustration, I'll just seal it with caulking and be done with it.
I also made a tire drag sled, like I learned from this video, but, as Taz Shirota notes in this video, dragging doesn't work well on asphalt. I found that the front end keeps bobbing up, which makes running jerky and distracting (will the weights fall off, etc?), though walking is fine. It worked well on grass, but my yard is small, so I guess I'll need to walk it over to the park and do the running there. [Stay tuned for an update with a solution I found for this!] On the other hand, I found that bear crawls caused no bobbing. I think the problem is that the vector while running (from ground to waist) includes upward as well as forward drag. Hence, I found a very long cord between me and the tire caused less bobbing, but such a long cord is annoying.
Happily, though, walking neck drags worked well with the tire sled. Since it's adjustable I used the same belt for neck drags as I did for tire drags (and the same one Taz showed in his video––great minds think alike!), but will need to wrap the buckle in something soft, otherwise it grinds into my upper vertebrae. Also, some of the velcro scrapes my forehead unless I wear a bandana or sweat band.
Another gadget I made was inspired by a video I saw last week. It involved a rod with a long bungee attached to a wall, so I bought a shovel handle, secured an eye hook to the top, and latched it to some bungee cords on my back yard clothes line stand. It works the core well.
My workout...
30 min. 213 lbs.
10 min. of various tire drags
3 min. of neck drags
10's of various rod-bungee movements x 10
10/10/10 neck tugs x 3 @ //////
2 sling pistol SQ, 1 PU, 1 pushup, 1 dip, 1 curl up, repeat without rest x 10
I also made a tire drag sled, like I learned from this video, but, as Taz Shirota notes in this video, dragging doesn't work well on asphalt. I found that the front end keeps bobbing up, which makes running jerky and distracting (will the weights fall off, etc?), though walking is fine. It worked well on grass, but my yard is small, so I guess I'll need to walk it over to the park and do the running there. [Stay tuned for an update with a solution I found for this!] On the other hand, I found that bear crawls caused no bobbing. I think the problem is that the vector while running (from ground to waist) includes upward as well as forward drag. Hence, I found a very long cord between me and the tire caused less bobbing, but such a long cord is annoying.
Happily, though, walking neck drags worked well with the tire sled. Since it's adjustable I used the same belt for neck drags as I did for tire drags (and the same one Taz showed in his video––great minds think alike!), but will need to wrap the buckle in something soft, otherwise it grinds into my upper vertebrae. Also, some of the velcro scrapes my forehead unless I wear a bandana or sweat band.
Another gadget I made was inspired by a video I saw last week. It involved a rod with a long bungee attached to a wall, so I bought a shovel handle, secured an eye hook to the top, and latched it to some bungee cords on my back yard clothes line stand. It works the core well.
My workout...
30 min. 213 lbs.
10 min. of various tire drags
3 min. of neck drags
10's of various rod-bungee movements x 10
10/10/10 neck tugs x 3 @ //////
2 sling pistol SQ, 1 PU, 1 pushup, 1 dip, 1 curl up, repeat without rest x 10
Friday, March 8, 2013
Fitness update - March 2013
Thursday, 7 March 2013
60 min., 212 lbs.
3 min. neck drag
30 med ball wall balls
20 overhead med ball lunges
20 med ball slams
20 med ball snatch tosses
5 min. speed bag
[The x# in the following exercises indicates how many sets of the exercise I did.]
3 min. neck drag x 3
20 med ball wall balls x 3
20 med ball bucket tosses x 2
10 overhead med ball lunges x 3
10 med ball slams x 3
10 med ball snatch tosses x 3
3 min. double end bag x 3
2 min. heavy bag x 3
cool down:
5 min. speed bag
[I needed a workout that got my heart rate up without aggravating my shin splints issues right now. Plus, it's not as strenuous as a full-on bodyweight workout like I did on Tuesday. I'll go for a run tomorrow.
I came up with "bucket tosses" on my own on the fly, though I'm sure they've been done before. Basically, take a wide (snatch deadlift) stance, bend down with the medicine ball, toss it forward against a wall, catch the med ball off the bounce with your chest, and repeat. Sometimes the med ball hits the chest with great force, which adds a nice quasi-unpredictable 'realistic' pugilistic feeling to the circuit.
I guess I'm done with slams for a while. Between my broken 12 lbs. Body Tools medicine ball and my 14 lbs. Troy VTX wall ball––which I've now learned is not intended for slams!––, I'm ready just to fill a durable sack with some wet clothes and sling it around to my heart's content. Less is more. I might even use the same or a similar sack full of clothes or tennis balls or a slightly under-filled basketball to replicate the core with rope action (this [PDF] guide from Ross Enamait shows the way). Also, if I can get the 60 odd feet of rope I left at my mom's house, I'll add rope plyometrics to my regimen again.
{Whilst searching for the term "rope plyo", I stumbled upon my next DIY fitness device/method––a hydrodynamic beam / slosh bar! Unlike the guy in the latter video to which I linked, I would use a 3" diameter PVC, instead of 4", and would probably have a removable cap on the "dumbbell" as well.}]
60 min., 212 lbs.
3 min. neck drag
30 med ball wall balls
20 overhead med ball lunges
20 med ball slams
20 med ball snatch tosses
5 min. speed bag
[The x# in the following exercises indicates how many sets of the exercise I did.]
3 min. neck drag x 3
20 med ball wall balls x 3
20 med ball bucket tosses x 2
10 overhead med ball lunges x 3
10 med ball slams x 3
10 med ball snatch tosses x 3
3 min. double end bag x 3
2 min. heavy bag x 3
cool down:
5 min. speed bag
[I needed a workout that got my heart rate up without aggravating my shin splints issues right now. Plus, it's not as strenuous as a full-on bodyweight workout like I did on Tuesday. I'll go for a run tomorrow.
I came up with "bucket tosses" on my own on the fly, though I'm sure they've been done before. Basically, take a wide (snatch deadlift) stance, bend down with the medicine ball, toss it forward against a wall, catch the med ball off the bounce with your chest, and repeat. Sometimes the med ball hits the chest with great force, which adds a nice quasi-unpredictable 'realistic' pugilistic feeling to the circuit.
I guess I'm done with slams for a while. Between my broken 12 lbs. Body Tools medicine ball and my 14 lbs. Troy VTX wall ball––which I've now learned is not intended for slams!––, I'm ready just to fill a durable sack with some wet clothes and sling it around to my heart's content. Less is more. I might even use the same or a similar sack full of clothes or tennis balls or a slightly under-filled basketball to replicate the core with rope action (this [PDF] guide from Ross Enamait shows the way). Also, if I can get the 60 odd feet of rope I left at my mom's house, I'll add rope plyometrics to my regimen again.
{Whilst searching for the term "rope plyo", I stumbled upon my next DIY fitness device/method––a hydrodynamic beam / slosh bar! Unlike the guy in the latter video to which I linked, I would use a 3" diameter PVC, instead of 4", and would probably have a removable cap on the "dumbbell" as well.}]
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Fitness update... New Label Day!
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
50–60 min., 213 lbs.
5 min. neck drag
5 min. double end bag
12 min. run
sling pistol SQ: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
sling pushups: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
PU: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
overhead lunges (14 lbs. med ball): 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
dips: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
chin-ups: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
[I "modified" my gate-sled –– by kicking a bend in it on the staircase –– so the front edge wouldn't rip up the grass so much.
My run went from a decent jog to a humbling shamble. Need to treat and forestall shin splints again. I've had this blog for over three years,I think, and I'm only now add "Running" as a content label. Sad but true. I'm set on cutting about ten pounds of weight, and running has been the missing element.
I took less rest this time between exercises and circuits.]
50–60 min., 213 lbs.
5 min. neck drag
5 min. double end bag
12 min. run
sling pistol SQ: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
sling pushups: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
PU: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
overhead lunges (14 lbs. med ball): 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
dips: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
chin-ups: 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3
[I "modified" my gate-sled –– by kicking a bend in it on the staircase –– so the front edge wouldn't rip up the grass so much.
My run went from a decent jog to a humbling shamble. Need to treat and forestall shin splints again. I've had this blog for over three years,I think, and I'm only now add "Running" as a content label. Sad but true. I'm set on cutting about ten pounds of weight, and running has been the missing element.
I took less rest this time between exercises and circuits.]
Monday, March 4, 2013
Fitness updates...
Thursday, 28 Feb 2013
20 min., 215 lbs.
jump rope- 1 min, 1 min
pullups - 10, 12
pushups - 25, 30
14 lbs. VTX medicine "wrecking" ball (video) - 15 slams, 15 snatch toss X 2
[Snatch toss is when I squat to pick up the medicine ball, rise to toss it up, catch it into a controlled bounce at the bottom, and repeat. I read at Nick Tumminello's Performance University blog that medicine ball slams––aside from causing my 12 lbs. Body Tools medicine ball to crack open a week or two ago*––are less effective than "battling" rope power slams. So, unless I'm doing a rope workout as such, I'll split the difference by doing med balls slams *and* snatch tosses. A med ball is much easier to take out and put away than ropes.
{* I used some expanding foam to buttress the interior and some Gorilla glue to seal the crack, so the 12 lbs. ball is usable once again, though I won't be using it for slams!}]
Friday, 1 Mar 2013
45 min., 214 lbs.
warm-up: 10 min. double end bag
sling pistol SQ: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
sling pushups: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
PU: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
lunges (with 14 lbs. medicine ball): 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
dips: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
chin-ups: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
5-10 min. speed bag
5 min. neck-harness sled drags
[There was a detached chain-link gate on top of my garage, which I finally took down and inspected this past Friday. Right away I knew it could make a passable weight sled. Considering that weight sleds range from $70-$200, a free one suits me fine. I also have tires left over from the owner––so this is also an option for making a sled––so just tossing them onto the gate, tucking weights inside them, and securing everything with a couple bungee cords, also works. For now I just drag the sled to and fro, hither and thither, with my trusty neck harness.]
Saturday, 2 Mar 2013
[Went paintballing with a few friends. It was not as much fun as I had expected, but I did run and crawl and crouch a good amount, so my heart rate was up now and then for a few hours.⁄
Sunday, 3 Mar 2013
10 min. speed bag
Monday, 4 Mar 2013
35 min., 215 lbs.
10 min. double end bag
jump rope: 45 sec.
jumping jacks: 45 sec.
burpees: 45 sec.
jump rope: 45 sec.
hill climbers: 45 sec.
double end bag: 45 sec.
jump rope: 45 sec.
high knees: 45 sec.
burpee climbers: 45 sec.
jump rope: 1-2 min.
15 min. speed bag
20 min., 215 lbs.
jump rope- 1 min, 1 min
pullups - 10, 12
pushups - 25, 30
14 lbs. VTX medicine "wrecking" ball (video) - 15 slams, 15 snatch toss X 2
[Snatch toss is when I squat to pick up the medicine ball, rise to toss it up, catch it into a controlled bounce at the bottom, and repeat. I read at Nick Tumminello's Performance University blog that medicine ball slams––aside from causing my 12 lbs. Body Tools medicine ball to crack open a week or two ago*––are less effective than "battling" rope power slams. So, unless I'm doing a rope workout as such, I'll split the difference by doing med balls slams *and* snatch tosses. A med ball is much easier to take out and put away than ropes.
{* I used some expanding foam to buttress the interior and some Gorilla glue to seal the crack, so the 12 lbs. ball is usable once again, though I won't be using it for slams!}]
Friday, 1 Mar 2013
45 min., 214 lbs.
warm-up: 10 min. double end bag
sling pistol SQ: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
sling pushups: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
PU: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
lunges (with 14 lbs. medicine ball): 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
dips: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
chin-ups: 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
5-10 min. speed bag
5 min. neck-harness sled drags
[There was a detached chain-link gate on top of my garage, which I finally took down and inspected this past Friday. Right away I knew it could make a passable weight sled. Considering that weight sleds range from $70-$200, a free one suits me fine. I also have tires left over from the owner––so this is also an option for making a sled––so just tossing them onto the gate, tucking weights inside them, and securing everything with a couple bungee cords, also works. For now I just drag the sled to and fro, hither and thither, with my trusty neck harness.]
Saturday, 2 Mar 2013
[Went paintballing with a few friends. It was not as much fun as I had expected, but I did run and crawl and crouch a good amount, so my heart rate was up now and then for a few hours.⁄
Sunday, 3 Mar 2013
10 min. speed bag
Monday, 4 Mar 2013
35 min., 215 lbs.
10 min. double end bag
jump rope: 45 sec.
jumping jacks: 45 sec.
burpees: 45 sec.
jump rope: 45 sec.
hill climbers: 45 sec.
double end bag: 45 sec.
jump rope: 45 sec.
high knees: 45 sec.
burpee climbers: 45 sec.
jump rope: 1-2 min.
15 min. speed bag
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Fitness update...
Monday, 24 Feb 2013
20 min. double end bag
20 min. speed bag
10 min. double end bag
Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013
40 min., 218 lbs.
15 min. double end bag
1 min., 1 min. jump rope
45 sec. jumping jacks
45 sec. burpees
2 min. jump rope
45 sec. hill climbers
45 sec. high knees
2 min. jump rope
15 min. speed bag
1 min. jump rope
Having some good fun with the double end bag. My left hand is still slightly out of cadence on the speed bag. Skipping feels much better on my shins, and I'm gaining stamina. I go for slightly longer at a slower pace, or use my cable speed rope at a faster pace, and alternate my footwork every 30 skips or so. Strength circuit tomorrow: Lifeline slings, pistol squats, pullups, pushups, dips, chinups, squat jumps, etc.
20 min. double end bag
20 min. speed bag
10 min. double end bag
Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013
40 min., 218 lbs.
15 min. double end bag
1 min., 1 min. jump rope
45 sec. jumping jacks
45 sec. burpees
2 min. jump rope
45 sec. hill climbers
45 sec. high knees
2 min. jump rope
15 min. speed bag
1 min. jump rope
+ + +
Having some good fun with the double end bag. My left hand is still slightly out of cadence on the speed bag. Skipping feels much better on my shins, and I'm gaining stamina. I go for slightly longer at a slower pace, or use my cable speed rope at a faster pace, and alternate my footwork every 30 skips or so. Strength circuit tomorrow: Lifeline slings, pistol squats, pullups, pushups, dips, chinups, squat jumps, etc.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Fitness update...
Got off course a few days last week.
Better now.
Marriage is a kind of monasticism, which is actually one reason I'm learning to enjoy it more each day. The Benedictine motto is "Ora et labora" (work and prayer). Much the same goes for marriage, at least in a Christian home. This weekend I finally got around to setting up a wall mirror for my wife. Then I did laundry and shopping so she could take care of the baby and talk with family back home. Then I swept the floor and tidied up while she folded and put away clothes. A division of labor, to be sure. The interesting thing is that I did not feel these mundane tasks detracted from my "spiritual life." To the contrary, they gave me a sense of order and Lenten sobriety that fed into my more directly spiritual work. Ora et labora.
What does all this have to do with my fitness update? Not much, but it is my blog, after all!
I got off my duff and got back under the bag. About fifteen minutes with mitts and I did surprisingly well. Learning curve. Slow and steady.
Friday, 22 Feb 2013
< 120 min., all with wraps on 219 lbs.
10 min. speed bag + 5 min. double end bag WARMUP
150 skips
2 min. double end bag
3 min. speed bag
150 skips
1 min. heavy bag
(My first round on the heavy bag was a 5-hit combo, then two squats, etc. Second round was a two squat parry, then 3-hit combo, etc. Third round was a flurry of body shots, then a rest, etc. Fourth round was a jab-jab, hook, body combo over and over.)
10 min. speed bag COOLDOWN
Some of my time was spent puttering around with double end bag so I didn't keep very good track of time.
Saturday, 23 Feb 2013
60 min.
219 lbs.
200 skips
sling-aided pistol squats: 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
sling pushups: 12, 12, 8/4
pullups: 10, 10, 5/3/2
200 skips
lunges (with tire on shoulder): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
dips: 6, 6, 7
chinups: 6, 6, 6
Better now.
Marriage is a kind of monasticism, which is actually one reason I'm learning to enjoy it more each day. The Benedictine motto is "Ora et labora" (work and prayer). Much the same goes for marriage, at least in a Christian home. This weekend I finally got around to setting up a wall mirror for my wife. Then I did laundry and shopping so she could take care of the baby and talk with family back home. Then I swept the floor and tidied up while she folded and put away clothes. A division of labor, to be sure. The interesting thing is that I did not feel these mundane tasks detracted from my "spiritual life." To the contrary, they gave me a sense of order and Lenten sobriety that fed into my more directly spiritual work. Ora et labora.
What does all this have to do with my fitness update? Not much, but it is my blog, after all!
I got off my duff and got back under the bag. About fifteen minutes with mitts and I did surprisingly well. Learning curve. Slow and steady.
Friday, 22 Feb 2013
< 120 min., all with wraps on 219 lbs.
10 min. speed bag + 5 min. double end bag WARMUP
150 skips
2 min. double end bag
3 min. speed bag
150 skips
1 min. heavy bag
(My first round on the heavy bag was a 5-hit combo, then two squats, etc. Second round was a two squat parry, then 3-hit combo, etc. Third round was a flurry of body shots, then a rest, etc. Fourth round was a jab-jab, hook, body combo over and over.)
10 min. speed bag COOLDOWN
Some of my time was spent puttering around with double end bag so I didn't keep very good track of time.
Saturday, 23 Feb 2013
60 min.
219 lbs.
200 skips
sling-aided pistol squats: 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
sling pushups: 12, 12, 8/4
pullups: 10, 10, 5/3/2
200 skips
lunges (with tire on shoulder): 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
dips: 6, 6, 7
chinups: 6, 6, 6
Monday, February 18, 2013
Everlast Training Camp
Tuesday, 12 Feb 2013, I just worked on the speed bag and trained my neck.
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday so I ended up taking the day off.
Thursday, 14 Feb 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
140-170 bpm
Warm up: Stretching, 10 min. speed bag
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Friday, 15 Feb 2013
35 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 130-160 bpm
Warm up: 5 min. speed bag, 2-3 min. jump rope
Squats x 20 + 12 lb. medicine ball
Lunges x 20 + 12 lb. medicine ball
Push ups x 25, 30
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 30
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
Cool down: 5 min. speed bag
Saturday, 16 Feb 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
10 min. speed bag
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Cool down: 2 min., 2 min. jump rope; 5 min. speed bag
This was the first workout in which I not only did more reps than usual but also didn't rest as long between exercises. Getting there. My goal is to keep at it until I can the 45-second circuits "full on": no quitting mid-set and no excessive delay between exercises.
Sunday, 17 Feb 2013
20 min., 15 min.
220 lbs.
After Mass I headed to Wal-Mart for a few things, ended up getting some wrist wraps and a cable speed rope, which I love. (I've replaced shadow boxing with actual heavy bag work, but also realize that serious heavy bag work needs good wrap protection...but also realize that having wraps on for a whole workout for only about a minute each circuit is...annoying. The weightlifting wraps are a solution, I hope.) I tried out my many jump ropes for about ten minutes, and then worked on the speed bag for about twenty minutes.
Later in the evening, I discovered that I had my speed bag set too high, but since it's mounted into the ceiling, I thought "outside the box" and put about eight pieces of plywood, left behind by the owner of our house, on the ground (if you can't lower the bar, raise the floor). It's great! Now I can face the bag on one side at roughly mouth level, or pivot to the bare floor and box higher. Each height has its own benefits: lower is more natural and efficient, while higher gives more extension and flexibility. So tonight I spent maybe another twenty minutes on the speed bag. It felt good, but I can see what they mean about "oh my aching hands" catching up you.
I realized today that I wouldn't mind being able to say that I jumped rope and speed-nagged every day since mid-February 2013. The speed bag is as much about the mental as it is about the physical: focus and patience.
I'm getting the best of my shin splints, thanks to moderation, stretching, icing, and NSAIDs.
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday so I ended up taking the day off.
Thursday, 14 Feb 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
140-170 bpm
Warm up: Stretching, 10 min. speed bag
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Friday, 15 Feb 2013
35 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 130-160 bpm
Warm up: 5 min. speed bag, 2-3 min. jump rope
Squats x 20 + 12 lb. medicine ball
Lunges x 20 + 12 lb. medicine ball
Push ups x 25, 30
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 30
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
Cool down: 5 min. speed bag
Saturday, 16 Feb 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
10 min. speed bag
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Cool down: 2 min., 2 min. jump rope; 5 min. speed bag
This was the first workout in which I not only did more reps than usual but also didn't rest as long between exercises. Getting there. My goal is to keep at it until I can the 45-second circuits "full on": no quitting mid-set and no excessive delay between exercises.
Sunday, 17 Feb 2013
20 min., 15 min.
220 lbs.
After Mass I headed to Wal-Mart for a few things, ended up getting some wrist wraps and a cable speed rope, which I love. (I've replaced shadow boxing with actual heavy bag work, but also realize that serious heavy bag work needs good wrap protection...but also realize that having wraps on for a whole workout for only about a minute each circuit is...annoying. The weightlifting wraps are a solution, I hope.) I tried out my many jump ropes for about ten minutes, and then worked on the speed bag for about twenty minutes.
Later in the evening, I discovered that I had my speed bag set too high, but since it's mounted into the ceiling, I thought "outside the box" and put about eight pieces of plywood, left behind by the owner of our house, on the ground (if you can't lower the bar, raise the floor). It's great! Now I can face the bag on one side at roughly mouth level, or pivot to the bare floor and box higher. Each height has its own benefits: lower is more natural and efficient, while higher gives more extension and flexibility. So tonight I spent maybe another twenty minutes on the speed bag. It felt good, but I can see what they mean about "oh my aching hands" catching up you.
I realized today that I wouldn't mind being able to say that I jumped rope and speed-nagged every day since mid-February 2013. The speed bag is as much about the mental as it is about the physical: focus and patience.
I'm getting the best of my shin splints, thanks to moderation, stretching, icing, and NSAIDs.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Everlast Training Camp (modified) Week 2
Monday, 11 Feb 2013
26 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 140-170 bpm
Warm up
3 min. speed bag
2-3 min. jump rope
1 min. double end bag
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 25
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
Enjoyed another lovely nap yesterday. Just what Sunday is for. Felt much better rested today and my speed bag is getting better, slowly but somewhat surely. This video was very helpful.
26 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 140-170 bpm
Warm up
3 min. speed bag
2-3 min. jump rope
1 min. double end bag
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 25
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
Enjoyed another lovely nap yesterday. Just what Sunday is for. Felt much better rested today and my speed bag is getting better, slowly but somewhat surely. This video was very helpful.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Everlast Training Camp... and reality
The tail end of this post shows what I did Monday for this week.
Tuesday, 5 Feb 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Wednesday, 6 Feb 2013
I came home and almost immediately fell asleep for two hours. Then I decided to take the day off and took the family out for dinner.
Thursday, 7 Feb 2013
25 min., 219 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching & 45 sec./45 sec. jump rope warm up
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Jumping jacks - 45 sec.
Burpees - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Hill climbers - 45 sec.
Squat jumps - 45 sec.
Jump rope - 45 sec.
Knee highs - 45 sec.
Shadow boxing - 45 sec.
Now I want to post something I wrote on Facebook asking friends for advice.
Need some input on my fitness regimen, specifically what the line should be between pushing through the pain and resting by doing other exercises for a little while. For the past couple weeks I've been doing the Everlast "Training Camp" workout. M, W, F is a strength building circuit of 8 exercises twice. Tu, Th, Sa are aerobic conditioning along the same lines. The first week involves 30 second intervals for the conditioning exercises, with no rest between them until the one minute break between the first and second circuits (strength circuit allows for 30 second tests between exercises). Each week adds 15-30 second to the intervals.Friday I drove to pick up my Everlast dual bag stand, got a double end bag while I was at it, and had a little fun with the heavy bag and speed bag once I got everything set up.
Now, as it is a boxing program, jump rope is a big part of it. For the past few years I've primarily trained weight and plyometrics, and have terribly neglected the cardio side of things, at least as far as loss of lower body IMPACT exercises go. Every time I try to make jump rope a regular thing (this is the third or fourth time in as many years), I suffer shin splints, but this time I'm determined to overcome them. I've had relative success by using the golf ball under the foot massage, a massage cylinder, NSAIDs, ice, stretching, and rest. Even so, when I go for a quick sprint (upstairs or to my classroom, for example), my soleus and inner lower shin really ache for a while. Yesterday I got home and pretty much immediately took a two hour nap, and then decided to take the day off from training (given my training the past few years, I knew I could afford a missed day of strength training). Well, I got back on track today with the conditioning circuit and holy cow I felt like a bag of rusted bolts. Plus, once I got inside, I lay on the floor for a few minutes, stunned at how badly my lower legs ached. I know I'm getting fitter, since I'm technically doing more effort each time, but I still basically feel like I'm never fully rested or recovered. Today for example I felt a slight shortness of breath after a burst of teaching activity. The training is making FEEL weaker, even though I know objectively and rationally that it's making me stronger. Another issue is that this regimen is partially aimed at losing weight, so I'm reducing my Celtic intake.
Anyway, I'm thinking of taking tomorrow off (though I'm sure I'll work up a sweat breaking in my new heavy bag/speed bag stand), going for a walk or bike ride, doing a strength circuit Saturday, taking Sunday today off, and getting back to it in full swing Monday. However, my quandary is whether I should even progress to the next time bracket until I can do the circuits strictly as advised by the training pamphlet. I won't lie; those breaks have a way of stretching past 30 seconds and I have a way of pausing for air during some conditioning exercises. On the other hand, maybe it's designed just to be hell week after week, and is to be scaled by whatever means as long as you stick with it. It's hard to believe I'm THAT out of shape compared to the average purchaser of the jump rope that includes the Training Camp booklet, but this is a humbling endeavour any way you cut it. Perhaps I should do the exercises at a little lower intensity?
Heavy bag, jump ropes, and power tower -- what else do you need?
Enough space, not hit too hard by the sun but also not in the breezeless back of the garage.
My advanced jump rope station: a long rectangle of carpet folded in half, stacked on top of a plywood board on another rectangle of carpet on the ground.
My Lifeline Jungle Gym XT does well on this branch. I also attach my double end bag here (anchored by two 20 lb. dumbbells I place in that nearest tire). Again, not without breeze but also with shade.
This is my main neck trainer, and also how I 'invented' "Necker lunges." It's a Lifeline cable expander thingie, with the handles latched onto a large hook I screwed into the wood over the doorjamb. For a while I did suspension pushups, rows, and pistol squats with another suspension trainer I have, but then decided that was too much strain on the wood, so now I only do neck exercises from it. Each red cord is about 30 lbs of resistance, and doubled through the carabiner, I can get a total of 180 lbs of resistance. What's that blue thing? Why, it's a large dog harness I bought a couple years ago in Taiwan. I place it on my head and the cords provide the resistance from any angle I like.
Saturday, 9 Feb 2013
30 min., 219 lbs.
(I woke up Friday with a wicked little kink in the left side of my neck. I did the following workout after a couple hours of yard work.)
A. Jump rope 45 sec. THEN double end bag sparring 45 sec. x 5
B. Three-round Everlast heavy bag workout
Round 1: 5 hits, squat, 5 hits, rest, repeat x 3 min.
Round 2: 15 sec. on the bag, 15 sec. rest, repeat x 3 min.
Round 3: 5 squats, parry left, 5 squats, parry right, 15 sec. on the bag, repeat x 3 min.
My shins didn't hurt too bad.
So, I hit a wall and need to re-strategize. Where do things stand with the Everlast Training Camp? I think I'll space out the workouts like so:
Monday: Strength circuit
Tuesday: swim or bike or jog or bag training
Wednesday: Conditioning circuit
Thursday: swim or bike or jog or bag training
Friday: Strength circuit
Saturday: Conditioning circuit
Sunday: total rest
I'll do this until I can do each 45-sec. interval without cheating or pausing, before moving to a longer interval. As I say, rest is the key exercise in any exercise plan.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Everlast Training Camp - Week 1 and 2
This blog post has a nice summarized presentation of the Training Camp, which I'll reproduce here.
Training occurs every day except for Sunday.
Week 2: 15 reps
Week 3: 20 reps
Week 4: 25 reps
Week 5: 30 reps
Week 6: 35 reps
*** Chin-up bar is an alternative for Resistance bands.
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 150-170 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 20
Leg raises x 15
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 10
Thursday, 31 Jan 2013
24 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Jumping jacks - 30 sec.
Burpees - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Hill climbers - 30 sec.
Squat jumps - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Knee highs - 30 sec.
Shadow boxing - 30 sec.
Friday, 1 Feb 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
heart - 150-170 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 20
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 10
Saturday, 2 Feb 2013
24 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Jumping jacks - 30 sec.
Burpees - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Hill climbers - 30 sec.
Squat jumps - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Knee highs - 30 sec.
Shadow boxing - 30 sec.
I finished up with neck extensions: 12/12/12 @ ////, 10/10/10 @ ////, 6/6/6 @ //////
Monday, 4 Feb 2013
25 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 140-160 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 26
Pull ups x 12
Sit ups x 25
Leg raises x 15
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
On my day "off", I did a few sets of neck extensions: 10/10/10 @ ////, 6/6/6 @ //////, 6/6/6 @ //////
Training occurs every day except for Sunday.
Week 2: 0:45 seconds per activity
Week 3: 1:00 per activity
Week 4: 1:30 per activity
Week 5: 2:00 per activity
Week 6: 3:00 per activity
Week 3: 1:00 per activity
Week 4: 1:30 per activity
Week 5: 2:00 per activity
Week 6: 3:00 per activity
Week 2: 15 reps
Week 3: 20 reps
Week 4: 25 reps
Week 5: 30 reps
Week 6: 35 reps
*** Chin-up bar is an alternative for Resistance bands.
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
heart - 150-170 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 20
Leg raises x 15
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 10
Thursday, 31 Jan 2013
24 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Jumping jacks - 30 sec.
Burpees - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Hill climbers - 30 sec.
Squat jumps - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Knee highs - 30 sec.
Shadow boxing - 30 sec.
Friday, 1 Feb 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
heart - 150-170 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 11
Sit ups x 20
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 10
Saturday, 2 Feb 2013
24 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 160-180 bpm
Stretching warm up
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Jumping jacks - 30 sec.
Burpees - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Hill climbers - 30 sec.
Squat jumps - 30 sec.
Jump rope - 30 sec.
Knee highs - 30 sec.
Shadow boxing - 30 sec.
I finished up with neck extensions: 12/12/12 @ ////, 10/10/10 @ ////, 6/6/6 @ //////
Monday, 4 Feb 2013
25 min., 222 lbs.
heart - 140-160 bpm
Skipping warm up - 2 min.
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Push ups x 26
Pull ups x 12
Sit ups x 25
Leg raises x 15
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 15
On my day "off", I did a few sets of neck extensions: 10/10/10 @ ////, 6/6/6 @ //////, 6/6/6 @ //////
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Recent doings and not-doings...
Early in January, I took up one student's challenge to arm wrestle at the end of the class, then, having vanquished him, took on another. I quickly regretted this, since I had exerted more force than I had needed to, and without warming up, to boot. Well, about an hour later, I kept my date at the gym, where I did bench press, squats, and pull ups. I felt less than optimal, since I was just coming off the winter break but I felt I'd been out of the gym too long. Well, over the next few days, I felt acute pain in my right arm. It was literally crippling: I did not do any upper body exercise for two weeks. This, on top of hassles with immigration and work, put me into what I'll say was true depression.
Anyway, in the past couple weeks I've gotten back on the horse, mainly by doing suspension-aided push ups, rows, squats, and neck training. I also got my bike back from a friend, so I can ride it around the neighborhood when I like. The main upswing in my training, however, is that I've decided to do the Everlast 6-Week Training Camp regimen. It's a program that came with an Everlast speed rope I bought a few months ago on a whim. I have trained my fast-twitch muscle fibers for a long time now, while, honestly, neglecting my aerobic endurance and slow-twitch fitness. The bad news? This regimen has kicked my tail and my ego! The good news? It's been kicking my tail and my ego!
Results so far:
Before I was committed to doing the Training Camp as indicated on the little poster guide pamphlet, I did a modified circuit workout on Sunday. But then I fell in line Monday and Tuesday. It's Wednesday now, so after I post this, I'll go outside to get humbled and strengthened. My goal is to get well below 20% body fat and work through the shin splint issues that have plagued me whenever I tried to get heavily into skipping the past couple years.
Friday, 26 Jan 2013
30 min., 222 lbs.
Saturday, 27 Jan 2013
20 min., 222 lbs. -- THIS KICKED MY BUTT!
Like a jackass, I figured that, since I'm an "athlete," I can start with week 3. After a minute each of jump rope, jumping jacks, and burpees, however, I a broken man. I reset the time for 45 seconds, helped myself to increasingly generous breaks between exercises, and even stopped midway during some exercises. How the mighty have fallen! The next day, even the soles of my feet were sore. I learned my lesson and trained by the numbers for week 1 (below).
Monday, 28 Jan 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
(The triplets indicate that I did forward (sagittal) and dual side (coronal) exertions. The back slashes indicate how many sections of elastic cord I used with my Lifeline triple-grip resistance handles. I have three red bands, which, apparently, equate to 90 lbs. of resistance. (Cf. this Lifeline PDF guide for details.) Each strand is, therefore, about 30 lbs. I attach my neck harness to the middle of the strands, which effectively doubles them. My usual resistance is, therefore, about 120 lbs. (two strands doubled), but last night I did a final set with all three strands linked in, which made for about 180 lbs. of resistance. I have no illusions that my neck can or could actually "lift" so much weight, but since my neck movements entrain the core and some momentum, it's feasible.)
This should have taken me 20 minutes. On the one hand, I inadvertently did an extra exercise (as the press could be done in lieu of pull ups, or vice versa), and... advertently... did more reps than indicated. On the other hand, I failed to do the two-minute jump rope warm up and, let's be honest, I let some of those 30-second become 30+-second breaks.
Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
Anyway, in the past couple weeks I've gotten back on the horse, mainly by doing suspension-aided push ups, rows, squats, and neck training. I also got my bike back from a friend, so I can ride it around the neighborhood when I like. The main upswing in my training, however, is that I've decided to do the Everlast 6-Week Training Camp regimen. It's a program that came with an Everlast speed rope I bought a few months ago on a whim. I have trained my fast-twitch muscle fibers for a long time now, while, honestly, neglecting my aerobic endurance and slow-twitch fitness. The bad news? This regimen has kicked my tail and my ego! The good news? It's been kicking my tail and my ego!
Results so far:
Before I was committed to doing the Training Camp as indicated on the little poster guide pamphlet, I did a modified circuit workout on Sunday. But then I fell in line Monday and Tuesday. It's Wednesday now, so after I post this, I'll go outside to get humbled and strengthened. My goal is to get well below 20% body fat and work through the shin splint issues that have plagued me whenever I tried to get heavily into skipping the past couple years.
Friday, 26 Jan 2013
30 min., 222 lbs.
Warm up - 3 min.
Suspension push ups x 5
Suspension pistol squats x 5
Necker lunges x 10
Pull ups x 3
Dips x 3
Jump rope x 120 skips
Medicine ball smashes x 20
1 min. REST then REPEAT for a total of five circuits
Saturday, 27 Jan 2013
20 min., 222 lbs. -- THIS KICKED MY BUTT!
Jump rope 40 sec.
Jumping jacks 40 sec.
Burpees 40 sec.
Jump rope 40 sec.
Hill climbers 40 sec.
Squat jumps 40 sec.
Jump rope 40 sec.
Knee highs 40 sec.
Shadow boxing 40 sec.
REST 1 min. between circuits for a total of two circuits.
Like a jackass, I figured that, since I'm an "athlete," I can start with week 3. After a minute each of jump rope, jumping jacks, and burpees, however, I a broken man. I reset the time for 45 seconds, helped myself to increasingly generous breaks between exercises, and even stopped midway during some exercises. How the mighty have fallen! The next day, even the soles of my feet were sore. I learned my lesson and trained by the numbers for week 1 (below).
Monday, 28 Jan 2013
24 min., 221 lbs.
Squats x 15
Necker lunges x 15
Push ups x 25
Pull ups x 10
One-arm shoulder press x 10 @ 30 lbs.
Sit ups x 20
Leg raises x 20
Rotations x 20
Ab wheel x 10
REST 30 sec. between exercises, REST 1 min. between circuits, REPEAT for a total of two sets.
I finished with a set of neck training: 10/10/10 @//// x 3
(The triplets indicate that I did forward (sagittal) and dual side (coronal) exertions. The back slashes indicate how many sections of elastic cord I used with my Lifeline triple-grip resistance handles. I have three red bands, which, apparently, equate to 90 lbs. of resistance. (Cf. this Lifeline PDF guide for details.) Each strand is, therefore, about 30 lbs. I attach my neck harness to the middle of the strands, which effectively doubles them. My usual resistance is, therefore, about 120 lbs. (two strands doubled), but last night I did a final set with all three strands linked in, which made for about 180 lbs. of resistance. I have no illusions that my neck can or could actually "lift" so much weight, but since my neck movements entrain the core and some momentum, it's feasible.)
This should have taken me 20 minutes. On the one hand, I inadvertently did an extra exercise (as the press could be done in lieu of pull ups, or vice versa), and... advertently... did more reps than indicated. On the other hand, I failed to do the two-minute jump rope warm up and, let's be honest, I let some of those 30-second become 30+-second breaks.
Tuesday, 29 Jan 2013
24 min., 220 lbs.
Stretching warm up
Jump rope 30 sec.
Jumping jacks 30 sec.
Burpees 30 sec.
Jump rope 30 sec.
Hill climbers 30 sec.
Squat jumps 30 sec.
Jump rope 30 sec.
Knee highs 30 sec.
Shadow boxing 30 sec.
I finished with a set of neck training: 12/12/12 @////, 8/8/8 @////, 6/6/6 @//////
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